Monday, October 11, 2010

Still on baby watch

Gracie has chosen to delay her appearance. and all are anxiously awaiting her arrival.
Becky thinks maybe Lindsay left some toys in there and Gracie is not through playing yet.
Anyway, if she doesn't make an appearance today, Becky will be induced tomorrow. There doesn't appear to be any danger to Gracie, but her doctor thinks it is time to induce.
Becky hasn't had an ultrasound in about 5 weeks, and the baby was almost 6 pounds then.

We are settled in to our park and we are enjoying our time here.
It is hard to believe that we will be leaving here in 3 weeks.
We are looking forward to getting back on the road again.

It has been cool and rainy here and the Wallace river is way up.
It rained all night Saturday night and into late Sunday morning, so the river is running pretty fast.
The leaves are changing and the colors are pretty.

Lindsay spent the night with us last night and we are going on a hike this morning. We are going to try to get to the middle falls. These are the longest and most spectacular of the 4 falls on this part of the river. And with all of the recent rain they ought to be spectacular this morning.
It is only 2.1 miles up the middle falls, but it climbs almost 800 feet over that distance.
Pictures to follow.

Ta ta for now.

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