Thursday, January 9, 2014

We will miss you CLEO

We met Cleo in March of 1999. We adopted her because we felt our cat, Sasha, needed a companion. Little did we know she would steal our heart away.
Cleo was brought in with her brothers and sisters to be adopted. I saw her reaching out to anyone she could touch. She had a cute mustache look to her. When I got her in my arms, she hooked me. She was to be a companion for Sasha but turned out to be a companion for us instead.
She was a sweet cat. She did not like children. i think she had too many children around her when she was born. Even though she did not like kids she had some cute antics to her. She did not like closed doors. If we closed a door, she would come scratch and cry till you opened it for her,not that she wanted in, she just wanted her freedom.
Have you ever gone to the bathroom in the middle of the night and something bumps into your leg? That was Cleo. If you close the door before she gets in, she would poke her paws under the door to see if she could touch you. I would play with her by putting my toes near the door so she could feel them. If I moved my foot back, she stuck her paw in.
She loved her treats. She would get treats at noon and 5 every day. She could tell time too. When it got close to noon she would meow till she got her treats. Same thing happened at 5. I think she swallowed a watch.
Rick was her go to guy. If she got low on food during the night she would start walking on Rick. She never walked on me for food. I guess she knew rick would take care of her.
She loved to lay on or near us. In the evening I would sit on the couch and read. She would jump on the couch and let me know that she wanted attention. I would scratch her under her chin and she would settle into my lap until she got too hot. Oh, how I will miss her.
Rick used to pick her up and turn her tummy up to give her kissykissy on her head. She tolerated him handling her that way.
I was the groomer for her. I combed her almost every day. She let me comb her for about 5 minutes. When she had enough of the comb she got up and moved away from me. That was her signal that she had enough of combing.
We will miss her playing in a paper sack or being curious about what we were doing. She was a joy to watch when she was in a playful mood. she liked to toss up my socks and watch it land. There were many a day that she got our socks and played with them.
Life will be tough without our dear cleo, but we know she is in a better place now.Thanks to everyone that expressed sorrow for us.

Cleo, we love you and will have many fond memories of you.


Carol said...

Rick and Brenda - I am so sorry to read about your losing Cleo. Dan and I know how much a pet becomes a member of the family, and I know that you will miss her. Hugs sent your way.
Carol and Dan

Carol said...
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Ted and Donna said...

I am sorry to hear Cleo has crossed the Rainbow Bridge but when we spoke it sounded like she was preparing herself for what she knew was coming. They have such a sense about those things. You gave her a good home and she provided you with lots of love and company. Please accept our sympathy..

D.Lee said...

Sorry about your loss I know how a pet can steal your heart and how your heart hurts when gone.