Saturday, February 28, 2009

First full week

Last Sunday we went to church then onto breakfast with the 'breakfast club'. It was nice seeing all of the group again and catching up with all of the news.

After breakfast we came back home and I went to work at the nursery. I fell into the work as if I had never left. When I was away, I couldn't remember the names of the plants, but when I got back to work, the names just seemed to pop into my head. The weeds aren't as bad as I had expected, but there is still a ton of them. When you get all of the weeds out of the pots, the plants look good. Some are still dormant and it is hard to tell which plants are still alive and which aren't.
Mike and I worked Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. We both feel that we got a lot accomplished and things are looking better. We will start preparing for the Master Gardeners Spring Fling show in a week or two.

Sunday, after work we went over to my nephew's home for a very nice dinner. They just bought a new home pretty close to here. It is a new home and much larger than their last house. We taught them how to play Mexican Train.

Yesterday, I went to Nativity Church to help prepare 104 Boston Butts for cooking on two giant BBQ pits for a dinner and resale. One of the parishioners was on a BBQ team here in Memphis, and he has become the "grill master"of the parish. We first 'rub the butts' with yellow mustard the rub them again with a dry rub that he makes up. They are then left to sit and marinate for 3-4 hrs. They are then put in the pits and cooked for 14-18 hours. This is done as a fund raiser for the church.

This time of year the weather can be unpredictable, as you might understand. A front came through last evening as we were preparing to put the meat on the grill. It turned off really cold with 20 mph winds and rain. The pits are on trailers out in the open so you can imagine how hard it is to keep the temperature in the pits where it needs to be.

Brenda and I went home about 9:30, the other guys were staying with it all night. These are dedicated men who do this several times a year. These guys all came from another parish, and are still associated with it. They do one dinner and sale for them, too.

We are probably going back to the church in a little bit. It is very cold here today. The high is expected to be in the high 30's today with pretty high winds. I keep asking myself, why did I leave the warm temps of Texas this early.


Debbie said...

It was in the low 30's in Humble overnight and may freeze tonite - ugh !!

Ted and Donna said...

It's been in the 30s even here in The Valley but warms up during the day; in fact, we've had a 96 degree temperature one day. The mesquite trees are leafing out in Falfurias so hang in there. Sprimg is on the way.