Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ooh! This weather.

As we all know this has been a strange year for weather across the country and around the world.
It was much wetter in the Badlands this last summer than usual. And we have had a very strange winter.
Last year it was warm and dry here almost all of the winter. It has been cold and wet this year.
It is 35 degrees right now and would be colder if the clouds had gone away as predicted.
We have even had snow here this year , although only a trace. We are very far south. Even the Rio Grande Valley has had some unusual temperatures.

On Feb. 6, we went over to Tommy and Brinda's house for dinner and conversation. We had a wonderful time.
Cyndi and Jim came as well as Kathy. I haven't seen Kathy in several years.
Brinda, Cyndi, Kathy, Bela and I were all part of a study group while we were in nursing school. We have become fast friends over the years and I can't believe that it has been almost 20 years since we graduated. We still keep in contact even after all of these years.
We all went in different directions. Bela did surgical ICU for years, but now is doing prison nursing.
Brinda and Kathy both tried hospital nursing, but have been doing school nursing for many years.
Cyndi has always been involved in Women's Health. She started in L&D, but is now an NP in women's health.
I started in the ER, and changed to Imaging Nursing for my final years before retiring. I liked hospital nursing and was satisfied with the stability of the job.
All different but still the same in that we are still all nurses.

The coach has 3 leveling jacks, and the front one has leaked from day one.
The only problem with buying from PPL is that it is 'as is'. I didn't realize that the jack was leaking when we bought it, but when I did, I had hoped moving it up and down would lubricate the seals and stop the leak. No such luck.
We are getting the jack replaced before we leave. The extended warranty folks decided that replacing the jack was better than replacing the seals. I tend to agree, less likely to have a screw-up.

We can't wait to take the rig on an extended trip. We have had the coach for almost 3 months and have driven less than 100 miles.
I like the way it handles, and I will be excited to drive at highway speeds for a longer period of time than we have so far.
Brenda has not ridden in the passenger seat, yet, and is looking forward to that.
She loves to take pictures of mountains through the windshield, and this one is so much larger than the Southwind. There is no center bar, so less obstruction.

Our itchy feet syndrome has gotten worse over the last few weeks. We have been here for 4 months and the time to move is rapidly approaching. We leave here 3/1 and head to Rockport for 2 weeks. We hope the weather is warmer as we will be on the gulf coast.
We will take a week or so to get to Memphis and be there until late June.
We are diligently looking for work in the Seattle area and have several feelers out. Hopefully something will gel in the near future.

Ta ta for now

1 comment:

Carol said...

Dan and I certainly understand the "itchy feet" feeling! We have been in North Florida for a couple of months now and we are both so ready to move on to our next assignment. We leave on the 24th of the month so the time for us is quickly approaching also. Take care and BTW Happy Valentine's Day to you and Brenda!