Thursday, April 22, 2010

Anniversary, Medicare and new grandparents

Things are moving rather slowly here.
Nancy is not improving as hoped, so we canceled the Botanic Garden Show last week so that Mike could spend as much time with her as possible. I am still working 3 days a week and Mike works when there are orders to fill and ship.
Nancy's sister arrived last Sunday for a scheduled visit. She is such a trip. She is so uplifting for Nancy and Mike.
She cooked steak last night on the grill and did a wonderful job. They were delicious and cooked to perfection.

Brenda and I had our 36th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. She and I just went out slumming and had a great lunch together. It was good to spend the time together. We then came home and hung out with Mike, Nancy and Beth.

I am beginning to feel very old. I received my Medicare Card in the mail today. It doesn't go into effect until August so I have a reprieve.
Because I receive SS benefits, I was automatically enrolled in Medicare. I don't have to do anything but pay the premiums when the time comes.

I finally got around to applying for VA medical benefits. I filled out the paperwork on line and printed and mailed them to the VA medical center today.
As those that know me, I have a progressively worsening hearing problem. I hope that I can get hearing aids that work. I had them before and they could never be adjusted to work the way they were purported to be. My hearing did not improve.

It seems that things are settled with the Washington State Park Service. We are volunteering in 2 parks this summer.
They do a background check on all volunteers, so we had to present fingerprints. Mine were accepted on presentation, but Brenda had to have it repeated 2 times. We have not heard about bad fingerprints, so we are assuming all things are good.

As most know, Becky & Fred are going to have another baby in October. We are so pleased as well as Fred's parents. It is a long time coming, and good things come to those that wait.
Lindsay told a friend of hers that she was going to be a 'big sister'. He has a big sister and asked Lindsay "why". Kids say the darndest things.

Ta ta for now

1 comment:

Ted and Donna said...

Happy anniversary to you two! We had an awesome one ourselves. Thanks for letting me know my Medicare card will just show up. We had to jump through hoops on the road last year because Ted was not getting SS. This makes it much easier for me and I don't even have to find it out for myself!