Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Winter has landed

We have been in Memphis for about 11 days and have seen temperatures go from the 70's to the 20's. When we arrived on the 4th of January we had a lovely warm day in the 70's the sun was shining and everything looked so nice. We started seeing the temperature inch down a little and the weather was still sunny. In the last week it has taken a nose dive.It now is in the 20's at night and we have also had a few days of light ice and snow. This is the time of year I hate the most. You are pent up in your house because it is so cold and the clouds in the sky make it so dreary. Now I understand how the girls feel when they have their winter. Washington and Oregon can be very hard to take , this time of year.

I am looking forward to getting my bike at  BIKES PLUS soon. I wish there was an area nearby that we could ride safely. To ride down brunswick road is taking your life in your hands. I will probably end up riding on the green belt, just to be on the safe side. As the weather gets warmer, Rick and I can start riding together.

Rick and I have gained a few pounds over the year, so I took the initiative and decided that we need weightwatchers again. Heather gave me 3 months of online weightwatchers  as a christmas present. I started a week ago monday. I weighed myself this past monday and found out I lost 4.2 pounds. Woohoo-happy dance. Rick has lost a little too. He is watching the types of foods he is eating, while I am measuring my food and we are both eating more fruits and vegetables. If anyone has any weightwatchers recipes please send them to me. Wish us luck in losing weight and keeping it off.

In our effort to get up and move, Rick and I helped Mike and Barb move everything that was in Barb's house to a climate controlled storage unit. We spent all afternoon loading the truck and vacuuming here and there so that when she goes to closing tomorrow she can give them the keys to their new house. I hope things go well with it.

It appears to be getting colder so I better close before my fingers show me shiiiivering. Love to all and May God bless and keep you in his arms. 


Carol said...

I know the feeling of the "gaining a few pounds" during the last year. I, too, am hoping to lose some this year. Let me know your secrets as Dan doesn't want to join Weight Watchers (although he lost about 40 pounds when we lived in NC on WW) - I didn't need it then, as I was working and climbing mountains, stairs, and walking all day. Anyway, I wish you well and hope you lose what you would like to.

D.Lee said...

I am glad your there safe and sound not glad to hear snow and cold. It is cold here in Livingston too. ugh
I am going tomorrow to Conroe to get in the VA system will update later.
Miss you, hope to see you when we pass thru Memphis one day. I am wanting to get back to WW just have not been in the mood to go yet.
Love Dianne & Bill