Monday, December 29, 2008
Temporary move day
Christmas was spent at my sisters house. My niece from Taiwan and her four daughters spent their last Christmas, for a while, here. They are returning to Taiwan in January. They have been here most of two years. Mag is learning how to home school. They are not Taiwanese citizens, so they are not allowed to go to school over there. They must go to the American school or home school. The American school is very expensive and no discount for multiple students. All 4 girls are in school.
They are lovely children, very loving and well disciplined. My sister and her husband will miss them dearly.
My sisters youngest daughter, her husband and their 2 daughters spent Christmas with us also.
They are doing a major kitchen remodel, so they are temporarily staying with my sister.
We decided that there would be no gift exchange between the adults, but the kids had a great visit from Santa and a fun filled gift exchange between each other. Since the Taiwanese girls are leaving, their gifts were small, so they could be taken with them.
Dinner was superb as always. My sweet sister made one of my favorite pies. I especially like mincemeat pie and I haven't had it for several years. Since my dad passed away, I am the only one who really likes it. I only eat it at Christmas, so this was a special treat.
The park is running smoothly. We are full and will remain so until after the first of Jan.
The owners ordered more picnic tables, so I have been busy putting them together. Brenda has been pretty slow, with few inquiries, so her days have been long.
Thanks to everyone who have been following our blog. It will get more interesting as we continue our travels throughout this wonderful and beautiful country.
Ta ta for now
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Happy Winter
They have had snow for the last week or more with lots of accumulation. Seattle is not accustomed to this much snow so things there are not very pleasant. They are expecting snow all week so a white Christmas for them.
Our Canadian friends who left here on Tuesday, have made it as far as Salem, OR. They said that it is snowing there with a lot more to come. They are trying to get to British Columbia for work, but find themselves stranded in Or. at least for one day.
We are off today, and we are just hanging out. We are washing clothes and cleaning the house.
It is too cold to do much of anything else.
Last night we went to a 50th wedding anniversary party for some people from church. It was held at Strach Farms. They have some good barbecue. They had a band and cake. He and I used to usher together @ 0730 mass on Sundays. He still does and we are comfortable with St. Edwards, so we make the drive over there for mass. We also get to spend Sunday mornings with Val & Tony and sometimes Chris & Linda for breakfast. It is enjoyable.
The kids are sending Christmas presents tomorrow, via Fed Ex or UPS, so will will be here at least until the packages arrive.
Ta ta for now
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I inherited a Bose radio from mother, and have been carrying it around for the last 2 years. I decided to make it where it can play our XM radio. Now, our satellite radio is now portable.
We finished Christmas shopping and we are ready for Christmas. Brenda won't put the packages out because she is worried that Cleo (the wonder cat) will get into the packages. So, they won't be put out until Christmas morning.
We got our mail from Escapees today and we got a card from Fred's parents and included was a picture of Lindsay and Binga. Lindsay has changed so much since we have seen her. She now wears glasses. She is so cute, no prejudice just fact. She and Binga are fast friends. They play together and enjoy each others company. We really miss her.

There was also a picture of Alex, Heather & Becky. Alex was up to Becky's house for Thanksgiving. It was so thoughtful of them to send the pictures.

Ta ta for now
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
More thoughts
When I got up yesterday morning it was in the low 60's. Within 30 minutes the temperature had dropped 12 degrees. The wind out of the north. What a change.
Saturday was warm and windy, so I changed the ABS sensor on the rig. It went well after I went down to the auto parts store to buy a 12 point 8mm socket. I have 4 or 5 8mm sockets, but none were 12 point. Brenda was in the office all day.
Sunday we went to church then onto breakfast with Val & Tony. We had to go to Rayford to drop off our time cards, and we decided to visit with Jay & Stella. While we were there Tommy & Susan came in, so we went over to their rig and visited with them. It was good to see them again.
We left there to go to St Anthony's for a choir recital in the church. There were the bell players, a childrens choir, as well as several of the regular church musicians. Bishop Rissoto presided over the whole program with the pastor at his side. All in all a good afternoon. One of our nieces, Pui Yee, is in the choir.
Yesterday, we cleaned the house. Boy, it is hard to figure how this place can get so dirty with just two people and a cat, but it does. We then decorated for Christmas, put up the tree and the Nativity set that my son had sent us from Nicaragua. Not too much decorations as we are going to take the coach over to Rayford in less than 2 weeks for New Years, and we have to take everything down to move the coach.
Brenda needed to go to Kohl's for some Christmas shopping, so after we went there we were close to Rayford and decided to go see if our checks were there and to visit Jay & Stella. Jay was gone getting his brakes on the truck fixed. We visited with Stella until his return. We decide that we were hungry so we all went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. It was good as always. I personnally love salads.
Greg and Dawn, our friends from Canada, left yesterday, and we will miss them. They are going to the Vancouver, BC area where both have jobs. We hope to see them again while we are in the Seattle area in the fall.
Ta ta for now
Friday, December 12, 2008
It is still cold here
The weather warmed some yesterday, but, with the wind blowing like it was, it was still cold in the shade. I was going to try to change the ABS sensor on the (r) rear wheel, but it was cold lying on the ground.
Monday, during Ted's and my guy trips, we went to my favorite RV place, Demontrond, (the only workhorse chassis parts place north of Houston) to get the ABS sensor. It is supposed to warm up here today, into the 60's, so I will try to put that ABS sensor on today. I need to get the rig inspected before we leave Texas, but I need to fix the ABS sensor first.
While getting Christmas decorations down from the attic a couple of weeks ago, Donna slipped and put her foot and leg through the ceiling in the garage. They found someone to repair it. He took the garage fluorescent light fixture down, but refused to rehang it. Donna asked me if I could rehang the light with Ted's help. I did but we needed some new bolts to attach it to the ceiling.
It was while we were out getting these parts that we went to Demontrond and other places. Ted was kind enough to drive. It wasn't my intentions that Ted drive on my errands.
Brenda again washed our cloths there, and since we have several loads of cloths it takes awhile.
It was getting late in the afternoon, so Ted and I went down to Randalls and got one of their signature pizzas. Ted doctored it with some more Mozzarella cheese and some peperoni they had at home. It was really good and filling.
Ta ta for now
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Just thoughts
Wow, time moves really quickly. It is hard to believe we have been here for 2 1/2 months.
It is cold here this morning. According to the weather report it is 34 degrees and windy. Yesterday it was in the high 70's and humid. The weather people are predicting snow showers this am. Is this really Houston???????????
We have been busy here around the campground. With the first of the month, Brenda has been busy collecting the rents from our monthly guests.
The owners bought some picnic tables for the park. Only 7, as they were not sure what they would be like. They are pressure treated wood with galvanized supports. I have been putting them together for the last several days. They are very nice for this park with its rustic setting.
We haven't even begun our Christmas shopping yet. I have been looking online, but just can't decide what to get the people on our list. This is so unlike me, as I don't like to wait until the last moment to do anything. Maybe, retirement is beginning to set in.
Ta ta for now.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Support Group
When she was diagnosed, it was a scary time for the both of us. I was fortunate to be working at Houston Northwest Medical Center in the Imaging Department at that time. The Breast Center is part of that department, and therefore I was made aware of the different services that they offer.
One of them being the support group Care, Share & Be Aware. They were there for us, as they are for all breast cancer patients who choose to accept their support.
Every year they have a Christmas party for the survivors and their closest supporters, be it spouses, sisters or friends.
There is always a good time had by all. Food and non alcoholic drinks are supplied by the hospital and there is a gift exchange done during the festivities. The spouses always have a good time as most of the gifts are for the ladies.
Tosha is the manager of the Breast Center and also a 9 year survivor. She is the facilitator for all of the activities that go on for the women who use the Breast Center. She manages a department that has a staff who are gentle and very caring.
Esther is the driving force for all of the activities. She is so energetic and enthusiastic and such a strong supporter of the ladies that are or have made the journey through diagnosis and treatment. She is also a strong supporter of the families of the patients.
It has been my privilege to have known and benefited from these wonderful ladies. When Brenda was diagnosed, we knew little or nothing about breast cancer. Through the educational series, facilitated by Tosha and staff, we learned a lot about the diagnosis and treatment.
Ta ta for now
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Family, Good Friends
Monday, Jay & Stella came over to the park to visit us and bring dinner.
Ted went over to his rig to plug in to get the fridge cold for their trip to Rayford for Thanksgiving, and came by to see us. Jay & Stella were here and we invited them to join us for dinner. He was hesitant and said that Donna was too busy at home and probably wouldn't come. He went home & Jay called Donna to come and join us for supper. They came over a little while later and we all sat outside and visited and tried to cure the worlds problems.
The weather had turned cool (to cool for shorts and t-shirt), so Jay went home to change clothes and bring Stella some shoes. Dinner was good.
Thanksgiving morning Brenda fixed some orange danish and pan sausage and we took them over to Rayford for breakfast. Jay and Stella joined us and we all sat around visiting and enjoying each others company.
We met Mike and Barbara (M&Beller) from the Texas Boomers. They are very nice people.
When dinner was about to served in the rally hall, Brenda and I left for my sisters house for dinner. Billy and Nick had fixed all of the employees something on the grill, we got a whole chicken. Dinner for tonight.
This year there were a lot fewer people for Thanksgiving dinner than usual. My sisters kids are spread out all over the world (Taiwan, Hawaii, DC, Montana, Seattle) so there was only a few of us. My brother who lives here was in Kansas with his wife's family.
We did get a surprise though, Tony Jr. (my nephew from Taiwan came in for the holiday. Val & Tony were very surprised.
His wife and four girls are living with Val until January, when they return home. Mag and the girls are such a treat to be around. A very loving family.
We stayed and visited until about 8 pm the made our way home. A very lovely day, indeed.
Ta ta for now
Monday, November 24, 2008
The return of the coach, Finally
We started the week by taking the coach to Best Preowned RVs on Monday. We dropped the coach off and was told we would probably have the coach back by Tuesday night.
There was a mix up with the carpet that we ordered, so we went to Spring Carpet and found a carpet that we liked, bought it and called BPRV to have them pick it up first thing Tuesday. They did not pick up the carpet until Tues. pm. and didn't even start pulling out the old flooring until late Tuesday.
Well, one thing led to another and they finally finished the floor on Friday pm. Brenda and I spent the night in the coach Thursday, and I stayed until they finished. They didn't do a very good job of cleaning the floor, so when I looked to clean it, I found things unfinished. Screws left out, caulking not complete. I don't think that I will recommend these people.
Ted and Donna were very gracious in letting us stay at their home. We stayed until Thursday morning. I am a firm believer in the old adage: "Visitors are like fish, after 3 days both begin to stink." They are some super people, and they even let us bring Cleo with us.
Saturday night, we took some friends from the park to the 'lighting of the doves' at the Woodlands waterway. We met Ted & Donna at their home, as Donna had been working on her Christmas decorations in her home all week, she wanted us to see her work. We all went down to the waterway for the festivities, then decided to order pizza and go back to Ted & Donna's home for Pizza and beer. The six of us had a good time, as there was good food, drink and conversation.
Yesterday, I washed the rig, I didn't realize how dirty this thing was. Tomorrow I will start waxing it, preparing it for our trip west this summer.
We are spending Thanksgiving with my sister. We will go to Rayford for breakfast and visit with some friends. Jay retired on Friday, so it will be good to welcome him into the world of retirement.
Ta ta for now
Monday, November 17, 2008
Renaissance Festival
Yesterday, Ted & Donna, Brenda & I went to the Renaissance Festival. We met Val, Tony and our niece, Dominique there. Dominique was wearing a Blue Cape that Val had bought at the festival several years ago. It was still in great shape and we reminisced about the cape. I didn't know that Val still had it.
We went into the gate and we watched the players introduce each of the groups. They were divided into many groups and were associated with the different areas of the festival, Italians, King and queen, etc.
We did see many different shows throughout the day. I think the best was the French magician who had been with Circ De Sole. He mimed most of the show and spoke only at the end. He had much audience participation, as did most of the shows that we saw.
Dominique wanted to see the belly dancers, so we looked them up saw a good show. The girls are very limber and in spectacular physical shape.
Ted and Donna had been there many years ago, but somehow missed a lot of the areas. They never went back to the Italian area or the area with the original swings or where the elephants are. They seemed to be impressed with the size of the grounds.
Ted and I were disappointed with the Italian sausage sandwich. It was cold and not much thought in the preparation, Cold marinaro sauce over a slightly heated sausage. Not very impressive.
We went to a bier garten to listen to an accordion player, He was very good. Donna, who is German and attends many German weddings was familiar with some of the dances and songs and she got up and danced the chicken dance. It was neat to watch.
As all know, gas prices have come down and are almost reasonable. With our trip planned next summer, I hope they stay down or go even lower. We could stand a break while travelling. But, that is stating the obvious.
Ta ta for now
Friday, November 14, 2008
Repairs to coach
As some of you know, we had trouble with the front brakes locking up about 2 years ago and had Demontrond RV look at the brakes and fix them. The service writer told us about the need to lube the calipers and told us that they had done so. Well, it appears that they only lubed ONE of the four sets of calipers. I dislike Demontrond for several reasons, and this is a perfect example of the slipshod work that they do. They keep your RV for several weeks, then don't do the work needed. They also charge an exorbitant amount for their slipshod work. I never miss an opportunity to tell someone NEVER, NEVER go to them or use their service department.
We are taking the coach in for new flooring on Monday, and Ted & Donna have graciously offered to have us stay with them while the work is being done. They even are allowing us to bring Cleo (the wonder cat) along. We really appreciate them and all that they do for us.
Ta ta for now
Monday, November 10, 2008
Time marches on
We have been here almost 7 weeks now, if you can believe that. We have settled into the job nicely, and we have somewhat of a routine.
There are many little things to do around here, and the owners are usually conducive to our suggestions to improve the park.
They have been here quite a bit lately, measuring for new sites, looking at where the pool and spa are going to go. This is a nice park now, but, with the improvements they are planning it will be a spectacular park. The bath houses are in the works now, we hope they are completed by the end of the year.
Last week, Sunday, my sister, her husband, my niece and her 4 daughters came over for dinner and spend the day. Brenda and the girls made cupcakes and decorated them. They were delicious.
We borrowed some rods and reels from Tony, my brother-in-law, and I rigged them so the girls could fish. They didn't catch anything, but they had a good time. These are great kids and well disciplined. We enjoyed hot dogs and smoked sausages on the grill.
Saturday night, the Wurch's came by to see the park and we all went out to dinner at Mel's. Sandy and Rusty Creekmore, Ken & Susan Wilson joined us for a good meal. It had been Darlene's b'day on Thursday, and Bob wanted to celebrate with a few friends.
We rode over with the Wurch's, and those that know them know that when it is time to go it is time to go. We would have liked to have spent some time talking in the parking lot, but we had to leave.
We have met some very nice people in the park since we have been here. But people who live in parks seasonally are different from RVers. Mostly they are still working, and live in their MH or trailer as a more economical way to live and travel to different work locations . Whereas most RVers, that we know, like to travel about the country seeing this beautiful land of ours. We work so that we can travel.
Ta ta for now
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Getting more settled
We have Sundays & Mondays off, so Tuesday is a very busy day for Brenda. I just kind of stay out of her way and work outside.
When the owners bought the campground, they also got a Kubota tractor. It wasn't running when we arrived. I was told that there had been some work done on it, But it still wouldn't run.
The battery was dead, so I charged it. I added some diesel fuel to the tank and it ran really rough for a few minutes, then nothing.
There was a mechanic in the park last week and I asked him to help me with the engine. He took a look, and after a while determined that the fuel system was full of water. I drained the tank change the fuel filters, refilled the tank with fresh fuel and after a few cranks it started and is running great. I now have a way to do some of things I need and want to do here.
There was a lawnmower deck on the tractor and I removed it. So I am able to move around the grounds without difficulty. The trailer needs some work, so I am going to fix that today.
Our nephew from Taiwan was here for the weekend on a business trip. We went over to my sisters house for the evening, Saturday, and had a nice visit.
We went to church Sunday at St. Edwards and met the family for breakfast. 14 of us, so not able to visit much.
Liz and Harry came over for dinner Sunday night and we played a game of chicken foot. Great time.
Until next time.
Ta ta for now.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Settling in
Guests come and go and some are more permanent. There is a lot of details in managing a campground. There is learning what the owners expect and different situations that come up that haven't been thought of that need resolutions. All in all the owners are good to work for and are patient with us as we are new to this type of situation.
We met up with Jay & Stella for dinner on Saturday night. It sure was great to see them again. They weathered the storm, but Jay had to work many, many hours before, during and after IKE.
Stella went with some friends out of harms way and she didn't come home until last week. The power was restored just before she came home.
We spent all day Sunday with my sister and brother-in-law. We went to church then to breakfast where we met my brother and his wife. We had a wonderful time visiting, as the last time we were in town it was my sisters 50th wedding celebration. There were a lot of people there, so not much time for visiting.
Monday, we went to PPL with Ted & Donna. We needed some things for the rig. They advertise a very large parts department, and they do, but still they didn't have everything that we needed.
While we were there, we did look at some used motor homes. Some were very nice and were at what we thought was a good price. But, we still aren't in the market for a new coach, but it never hurts to look. None of them jumped out at us, and we aren't quite ready to jump back into debt.
With the lending industry in such a turmoil, I'm not sure we could get a loan anyway.
Until next time,
Ta ta for now
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Back in Houston
We have the best site in the park. Concrete pad and HUGE patio and concrete driveway. A great site. Not much shade, but that will be a moot point in a few weeks anyway. There is a severe dust problem as the roads are grave.
Brenda is working in the office and I help her when she needs it. I also work in the park. I have replaced the numbers at the sites and I started the horseshoe pits, today. I'm not used to the business end of a shovel, and I am sore, but the soil is soft and not too hard to dig in.
Brenda takes the reservations, checks the guests in and out and collects the money. There is a lot to running a campground. The software on the computer is a little more complicated than it probably needs to be.
We went to the Texas opry in Magnolia with Ted & Donna. We lived in this area for 27 years and didn't even know that it existed. The show was great. We really enjoyed ourselves. There is also a cafe attached to the theater, good country 'cookin'. Meat, 2 sides, drink (tea, water, or coffee), and dessert for $10.00. The show was $12.00 ea., so a great night out for not too much money. We plan too go again.
We have not seen or heard from Jay or Stella since we got back, but Jay is working some ungodly hours and Stella has been in Port Arthur. Hope to see them soon.
We visited My sister and her husband on Sunday. They finally got power back on Saturday afternoon. 2 weeks without power, wow. Luckily they had a generator to keep their food in good shape.
We have settled down now until the middle of Feb. So, our travels are curtailed until then.
We will continue to post as time goes on.
Ta ta till then
Monday, September 22, 2008
Heading back to Houston

She has been turned into a floating Museum. Almost all of the ship is tourable. There are 6 different tours to different parts of the ship. What a great experience for me as well as Brenda. She now has a general idea of what I'm talking about when I speak of the time I was in the Navy.
There were 3 other ships there, and they were open to the public.
There was a submarine, a destroyer, and a Coast Guard Cutter.

The submarine was commissioned just at the end of WWII, s she saw no combat. She was eventually replaced by a nuclear submarine navy. Going through her was very interesting. Everything is so cramped and small.
The Destroyer is the USS Laffey. She was built as a replacement to the original USS Laffey, which was sunk during the battle of Midway. It brought back some memories, not good and not bad, just memories.
I didn't reallize that CG Cutters were so large. They were doing some extensive reconstruction to her, so allot of the ship was closed. All in all a great day.
We left Charleston on Thursday and headed to Augusta, Ga.
Bela Humphries and his family live in a town nearby. He and I went to nursing school together. We haven't seen each other in over 15 years.

We stayed in a RV park fairly close to where they live. Bela called after he got home from work, and rode over on his motorcycle. We talked for a while then left for Valerie's (his wife) work.
After a tour of her church (she is an ordained minister), we left for downtown for dinner. We had an enjoyable evening, full of good food and good conversation. We went to another place for dessert. The tiramasu was very good.
Kaetlyn, there daughter, had soccer practice so she didn't join us for dinner.
While we were having dessert, she called with a crisis, so, Valerie went home to her, and Bela went back to the coach and left on his MC. Unfortunately, we didn't get to see Kaetlyn.
We left the next morning and because it was freeway driving drove all the way to Meridian, MS. The next day we moved the coach over to Vicksburg, MS. We went to the casinos for several hours and Brenda won a few dollars. I didn't win at all, so I quit early & just watched Brenda.
We left Vicksburg this am and drove onto Livingston, TX. We haven't had mail for about 5 weeks, so while I parked the rig, Brenda went and got a ton of mail. We didn't have to pay the postage to have it mailed to us. We were not in one place long enough to get our mail sent to us.
During the drive in, we saw what IKE did to Livingston. There is quite a bit of damage, lots of trees down, rooves missing, lots of debris.
We have talked to several people who rode Ike out here. They said that amost all of the debris has been cleared away in the park. And all said that they will not ride out another hurricane. As all of us who have ridden hurricanes out, we know it is a very scary thing.
We plan to stay here until Wed am, then move onto Timber Ridge. We spoke with Gwen on Friday and she is expecting us.
Our road adventure is about to come to an end. We have had an enjoyable and educational time. We have met some very interesting people, have visited allot of historical places.
Next year our adventure continues, this time west again.
We will keep posting as things continue in our lives.
Ta ta till then
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Here in Charleston
We stayed at a KOA, much to my chagrin. We were planning to stay at a Passport America park in New Bern, but after driving thru it, we decided to stay at the KOA that we had seen on our way. It appears that PA does not check out the parks in their system. This place was a grass parking lot with lots of people who appear to be there permanently. Didn't look good at all to us so we moved on.
We went to the Outer Banks of North Carolina before going to New Bern. We spent 3 days there on Hatteras Island. It was very nice in the campground in which we stayed. We went to the Cape Hatteras light house (the East coast light houses are so very different from the ones we saw in Oregon). We decided that we didn't want to make the climb to the top, so we stayed and took some pictures. We then went over to the place where the light house had been for 140 years. It was moved in 1999 to it's present location to more solid ground. It's old location was very close to the water and was surrounded by sand. There was a man made breakwater just a few yards from the site.

The next day we just kicked back at the house as we had been on the go for the last several days. We did go the beach on the windward side and watch the waves. There were several people on the beach and in the water. I didn't attempt to fish as I needed a license and I don't have any saltwater fishing gear.
We were going to take the ferry over to the mainland, but the ferries were all booked up for the next several days. So, we drove around. We surely would have liked to take the ferry, but oh well.
Gas prices here are totally outrageous. We paid $3.53/gal. in Newport News, on Thursday and $ 4.09/gal in New Bern. That is price gouging as far as I'm concerned. We did see one station charging $4.63/gal on highway 17 on our way to Charleston. I hope they close that guy down.
Yesterday, we went to the city center. Brenda wanted to take a carriage tour, so we did. We rode in a mule drawn carriage with 12 other people. Many of them oohed & awed. I had never been around people who actually do that sort of thing.

We definitely learned allot about this city. It is only 14 feet above see level at it highest point. It would definitely be a scary place during a hurricane.
It is also a very old city. It was very instrumental in both the revolutionary war and the "war of northern aggression".

We then went to a farmers market only open on Tuesdays after 3 pm. Lots of selections of veggies, but prices weren't all that great. We did get some tomatoes and cuc's at a fair price.
We are planning to go to Fort Sumter and to visit the USS Yorktown today if the weather holds.
It really rained here last night. Lots of thunder boomers, but nothing like what the people of Houston/Galveston got last weekend.
We were going on down to Savannah tomorrow, but we have decided to start our way back to Houston, going on I20. I can't seem to find out any info on the condition of I10. It will take several days to get there, and if there is still no power in the area we will stay in Livingston for the time being. We are leaving here tomorrow.
We are planning to stop and see an old nursing school chum, who lives near Augusta, GA We will only be there over night as it is in the middle of the week and he is still working. (poor guy)
Will add more as our travels continue.
Ta ta for now.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Newport News & Williamsburg
We went to Colonial Williamsburg yesterday and had a very enjoyable and informative day. The whole area was purchased and returned to 17th century condition due to a grant and endowment from John D. Rockefeller during the 1930's. The whole project is ongoing, with buildings and furnishings being completed in the same way as it was done in the 17th century, using the same type tools. It was very interesting to see the building going on, the wood framing the brick making, all done in the old ways.

We were told that along with the endowment, costs are covered by admission fees. It was pretty expensive and there was allot of people there. I felt that it was worth the cost as we learned so very much.

Today, we went to the Mariner's Museum. We spent about 5 hours there. It is a huge, well organized and very educational museum. If any of you are in the area, we highly recommend this stop.

The USS Monitor was found about 16 miles off of Cape Hatteras, and parts of the ship were recovered by the US Navy and the NOAA. The turret and a cannon, that was in the turret, and the engine. Also many personal artifacts. The turret, gun and engine are all in a chemical bath with electrolysis to stop the decay and make the artifacts stable for display. We were told the whole process could take up to 15 more yrs. In the mean time they have constructed replicas of the turret, gun and engine as it was found.
There is a lot of interaction between the displays and the visitor. The exhibits are out without too many barriers. There are signs at most displays asking they they not be touched, and it appears that this request is being honored by most visitors. All in all a very enjoyable day.

Tomorrow we leave for the outer banks of NC, Nags Head, Avon and Hatteras Island. There are 5 or 6 lighthouses we wish to see. We then plan on moving more inland, then onto Charleston, SC.
We will report as things progress.
Ta ta until then.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Tropical Storm Hannah

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Friends & Family

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
More about Amish country

Yesterday we went down to Gettysburg Military Park. They have built a new visitor center, that is not on the battleground itself. The old one was actually built on the battleground, so they are going to tear it down and restore the land to 1863 condition. The people who are in charge of the park have done a lot to restore the whole battlefield to the way it was in 1863. Apple orchards and peach orchards have been planted. The flank of the Union position is now cleared of trees as it was during the battle.
We took a bus tour of the grounds with a certified tour guide on the bus. He was very knowledgeable of the battle and was very enthusiastic. We really enjoyed it.
The Museum is huge. It covers the entire war, from the cause to the Gettysburg battle to the end of the war. Very interesting, but too much information and artifacts for this feeble mind. It would & will take multiple visits to take in all that is offered.
Today we went to a gristmill. It was operational until 1977, when the owners, who were up in years (no children) started a trust and opened it up to the public. There is a house on the property where the owners (brother & sister) lived until they went to a nursing home. According to the tour guides it is exactly as they left it. The house and mill were built in the mid 19th century by their grandfather. Very interesting afternoon and also free.

Tomorrow we plan to go on a buggy ride through Amish country. We haven't decided which company we will use, as they are all different. We will try more Amish food again for lunch. We went to an Amish style buffet restaurant, last week, but were not impressed. The food had no flavor, and salt and pepper didn't help. There were several Amish couples there eating. They seemed to enjoy themselves, as they made several trips to the buffet table.
We will be here until Friday. Plan to kick back and stay around the coach Thursday.
So, will post after Fredericksburg and our visit with David and family.
Ta ta until then.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Still here in intercourse, PA
I didn't think that life would be good without TV. But, the local stations don't come in very well (we are near Lancaster), so don't get very good reception.
We are under trees on all sides so satellite is out. Brenda & I have enjoyed no TV, and enjoyed visiting with our neighbors.
Speaking of neighbors, the couple next to us belong to a bluegrass gospel group.
They are all here for a session in a church this am, and will have a concert in New Holland this evening.
We sat in on their rehearsal last night. The music brought out some other couples, and we had a good chat and good music.
We did get to the Yeungling Brewery in Pottsville, on Friday. A great tour, not behind glass or any barrier from the brewery. The guide was very enthusiastic and was very informative. The tour was free with free beer samples.
The drive was very nice. I'm not sure I would take the coach, as there are 10% grades on the road up to Pottsville.
This is Amish Country. They are everywhere. They don't drive cars, so they have horse and buggies. They were here first so they take their buggies wherever they wish with little regard for traffic. I hear that there is an Amish museum close, and I really want to go to it so that I can learn more about these people.
They dress the same, very plainly. I hear that they are very wealthy, but they are not ostentatious about it.
We are planning a trip to Gettysburg tomorrow. The kids will be back in school, so should not be too crowded.
We went to Hershey for the tour. It was nice, but the crowds were horrendous.
We thought that the chocolate might be a little less expensive at the factory, but alas that was not the case. You can buy it cheaper at Sam's or Costco. We spent about an hour and a half there. If we had had Lindsay with us,
we would have done the amusement park. It is not aimed at adults our ages, but for children. (and there were a ton of them there).
We are leaving for Fredericksburg, VA. on Friday and we hope to see David and his family while we are there. There is a limited number of CGs close in around DC, so we decided to to go to Fredericksburg.
We have to be back in Houston by the 1st of October. Gwen Craig (Rayford Crossing) has offered us a job in her other CG (Timber Ridge Village) as camp hosts for the winter. We are looking forward to the experience.
Will post more as we continue our travels.
Ta ta for now.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lack of wi-fi

We then went to Indiana, PA for the last two days. The campground was beautiful with lots to do, but, it was down in a valley. No cell phone or internet. Brenda was very agitated, as she couldn't communicate without climbing out of the small valley. The campground owners were very nice and had a lot of time to talk as they were very slow.
We went to the Jimmy Stewart Museum in Indiana, PA. Mr. Stewart was born and raised there. The museum was very nice.
As many of you know, Brenda's nickname (Pooka) comes from the movie 'Harvey'. It was nice to be able to take a picture with 'Harvey' as photography was forbidden within the museum.

Mr. Stewart received many different awards for his "Wonderful Life", and many are on display there.
We are now in Intercourse, PA and will be here at least a week. We are in the middle of Amish country, and will use this as a base for many day trips.
We are going to Hershey tomorrow and tour the factory.
We will make a day trip or two to the little burgs around here, then spend the day at Gettysburg on Monday or Tuesday.
I am still looking for Yeungling Beer, the Brewery is only 65 miles from here and I'm thinking that if there is a tour we might drive up there.
As we continue or adventures, we will post more.
Ta ta for now.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
On our way to Pennsylvania
No sooner did I step on the pedal than I had a FOUNTAIN OF POOP WATER. I was lucky that I closed it very fast. I spent the next 30 minutes wiping up water and poop, followed by Lysol wipes used all over the floor. It didn't slow us down much. We left about 9:30, headed to Mercer, Pensylvania.
We decided to stop at the visitors center and load up on all the information we could get for attractions there. I bet the stack of pamphlets weighed about 5 pounds. The lady at the information desk was very helpful.
We left the visitors center and punched in the address for our rv camp area in the gps. A gps is good but sometimes you need to question where it is sending you. We were taken down very narrow streets and had a lot of twists and turns. We even had a 10 percent grade to drive down. Kinda scary. The gps advised us to turn left into a narrow street with a short curve. We got halfway into the turn and We buried the trailer hitch halfway into the asphalt. There was a car that turned in front of us and went to the top of the hill. The manager of the rv park was in that car. He backed down and came back to help us move. Rick had to unhook the car and then put the jacks down in back so the manager could take the hitch off. SUCCESS!! We then backed up and came in a different way. We understand that many people get the wrong directions from the gps to get to the park. Thank goodness everything turned out ok.
Yesterday was washday. We spent all morning doing the laundry (where is Bev's house when you need it ?). The afternoon was spent looking for 2 candy shops and Walmart. We found Daffins candy, but no tour. The other candy shop was the same as any other candy shop. Not impressive.
Today was spent in Volant, pennsylvania. We went in and out of many shops and were amazed at the furniture and crafts of the Amish people. Of course we saved lots of money because many things that we saw can not go in a motor home.
We will write later this week and let everyone know what is happening here.
ta-ta for now
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Our time in Columbus

The company was great and the food delicious. I'm not much for swimming pools, as most of you know, but Brenda and Barbara and her mother went into the pool both times we were there.
Yesterday we went to the National Air Force Museum in Dayton. The museum is huge as you can imagine. They have airplanes from the Wright Brothers plane all the way up to & including the F22.
They have a B52 in one hangar along with a multitude of other modern AF planes. There are a lot of aircraft hanging from the ceiling. In another hangar there is a B2 bomber. It is huge. I have never seen one, other than on TV or in pictures, WOW. There were many other planes within this same hangar. There are 3 hangar type buildings attached to each other with walkways. All of areas are used as exhibit areas. There is even an area dedicated to Bob Hope. What a great tribute to a man who dedicated so much of his life entertaining our service people.
Later today, we are going to meet some more of the Miller family.
Tomorrow we are leaving, going East, but not sure of the destination as of yet. Brenda and I will discuss this later this morning.
Ta ta for now
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
arrived in Columbus area
We called our friends, and they are to meet us here @ noon. We haven't seen them in many years, so, we are looking forward to seeing them.
We plan to stay here for 5 days, and sometime during that time we will decide when and where we go from here. Nice to be able to do that.
Ta ta for now.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Finally on the road
We are in a very nice campgound. The owners have had the place for about 18 months. It is not a resort by any means, but the sites are level, the bath house is clean and neat, and the price is right ($14.00 for the night w/fhu). It is very hot here and humid.
The site is about to go down. So, will close for now.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Making the rig road ready
I was a little concerned that not everything would work after so long sitting (the slides etc.).We have a good coach, so no problems arose in the move.
We are now sitting on the driveway. We spent yesterday morning washing outdoor carpets with a power washer. Today we gave our home a good bath. We power washed the roof, cleaned the awnings, and washing the body. She really looks good.
I need to change the oil, but I will probably do that on Monday. It is so hot here (99F) @ 2pm. That it is just tooooo hot to do it today.
We really are looking forward to hit the road. So we will post after we make our first stop.
Ta ta till then.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Last day at Dove Creek Gardens
I will miss Mike & Jen but I won't miss this heat.
Nancy is improving every day. She has a doctors appt @ Vanderbilt on Monday.
Hopefully, the doctor will be happy with the amount of swelling still in her mouth, and remove the feeding tube & trach.
Her face is almost as small as it was before surgery and she does talk. The swelling in her mouth is such that she talks like she has a mouthful of food, but she is talking around the trach.
The feeding tube is the one that is used in the hospital, and therefore it is such a position that she cannot feed herself. She needs someone else to feed her and give her her meds, so Mike will be happy to get those removed as well as Nancy.
We are giving the rig a bath on Saturday after I move it to the driveway. It is sitting between trees on bare dirt, so I will wash it when it is on concrete.
Jennifer was kind enough to lend her carpet cleaner to us. The carpets need a good cleaning.
The rig will look brand new when we leave with clean carpets and a good bath.
We have had no appreciable amount of rain here for the last couple of months, so I will be able to move it without too much difficulty.
Looking forward to getting on the road again.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Lazy Day
Nancy is improving each day. The swelling in her face, after a 13 hour mouth reconsctruction surgery, is almost gone. I was told this am that she swallowed for the first time since the surgery. She is also producing saliva for the first time since her radiation about 3 yrs ago. She has an appt. with her surgeon on 8/4 to have the feeding tube and tracheostomy removed. So, we feel confidant that her condition is such that we can leave that week.
As stated before, we have been here for 5 months, and the rig has not had a bath, save the roof since we have been here. I took a good look at it yesterday and have determined it will take at least 2 days to get this coach clean on the outside. Brenda does a good job of keeping the inside clean. My wonderful nephew, Brian has volunteered to help me wash it. He wants to play golf next weekend with me, so that I can play, he has volunteered to help.
Speaking of Brian. We were invited to his & DD's home last night for dinner.
The dinner was wonderful and the company even better. Austin, their son, is very shy, and although we have been here for so long, I have to work at getting him to play with me. He is such a good kid.
The weather here is hot and humid and we are looking forward to more temperate climes. That is one of the beauties of this lifestyle, we can move almost whenever we want.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
While Rick was cleaning up the mess I was on my way to the soup kitchen in Midtown. I help out every 1st, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday of every month. I have been helping since the beginning of April. It is a very rewarding experience to help feed the needy. Only 4 hours a week, who can say no?
After leaving the soup kitchen, I went directly to Bev's house(my twin-8 years difference) to do the laundry. I spent all afternoon with that chore. Got back home about 6 and hated leftovers for dinner. I did the rest of my chores and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Heading Out
I have a friend that has promised that we will be able to play the PGA golf course in Pinehurst, NC. I am really looking forward to that.
While we have been in Memphis, we have played some very nice golf courses. I don't play very well, but, we do have a good time.
Brenda has almost all of her family here in Memphis (9 siblings) and we have enjoyed the time that we have spent with them.
We found a great church here, Nativity. Bev and her family (Benda's youngest sister) are members of the church and are very active. On our first visit to the church, we were welcomed as we have never been before. A lot of parishes could learn alot from these wonderful people.
We go to 7:30 mass on sunday mornings and were invited to go to breakfast with them. We call it the breakfast club. They are very open and inviting. We will miss them when we leave.
It is very hot here and we are looking forward the cooler weather to the north.