Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring Fling

We set up for the Annual Memphis Master Gardeners Spring Fling on Thursday. It took all morning to pull and load all of the plants and accessories needed for a show.
Mike has decided that we need a trailer that is specifically designed for our use, he is looking hard for one.
The way that the truck was loaded is a marked improvement over last years shows. We loaded five flats to a rack and use the racks as display tables. Last year we loaded the flats individually and it took a long time to unload them. We can get 55 flats of plants in the back of the truck, but we took 67 flats, so it took 2 trips. We couldn't get everything we needed in the cab of the truck so it was going to take 2 trips anyway. With the trailer that he is looking for, we should be able to get everything in that trailer.

We had a successful show, even thought the weather did not cooperate. If we could have had some sunshine, even though it was chilly, we could have had much more traffic by our booth. On the whole we were pleased with the outcome.

The show lasted 2 days, Friday and Saturday and they had some good speakers. The Master Gardeners are a good group of people. This show had a large number of vendors which required 2 buildings and some of the vendors were setup outside.

While we were there, I had decided that I didn't like traveling without some sort of house plant.
One of the vendors was selling pottery, I told her what our situation was and she came up with a beautiful bowl. It has a small chip in the rim which she filed down with a Dremel tool, so she sold it to me for a very good price. It looks great. I wanted some plants that wouldn't take over without a lot of maintenance, so I asked Paul Little, another vendor, to help me design a planter. He planted the bowl up. I think it looks terrific.
We took yesterday off as we were both very tired. Brenda and I went to church then onto breakfast with the breakfast club. It was nice not to have to rush and leave to get to work.

Jennifer, had to work at home so she took Sunday off, too. We head back to work today as we have a lot of orders to pick and ship. We have to inventory what was sold. All in all a very busy day.

Ta ta for now

Friday, March 13, 2009

Another week gone by

The snow has gone, the temperature has gone into the 70's and is back down in the 30's. Wait a minute, this weather is like Texas. If you don't like it wait a minute.
We are continuing preparing for the Master Gardener's Spring Fling. The greenhouses are starting to look great. The plants are coming out of dormancy and green is everywhere. It is very rewarding to see the fruits of your work. It looks like we are going to have a goodly supply of plants to taker to the show.
After work on Sunday, we went over to my nephew Brian's house for dinner. It was a pleasure to spend time with them and enjoy a good grilled dinner. Adam and his family came over to the nursery to work on the computer system, then went over to Brian and DD's home for dinner, also.
We have had 2 days off, and we just kind of stayed close to home. It was cold and rainy out yesterday, so we never ventured out.
Sunday we are going to church at Nativity. According to the bulletin, Bill & Jackie are supposed to be participants in the mass, so I expect that they have returned from their west coast journey. It will be good to see them again.

Ta ta for now

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Saturday we went back to Nativity church to help finish up on the cooking of the Boston butts.
It had been raining all night, and the guys had a very hard time keeping the temperature up to 200 degrees. The butts usually cook in 12-14 hours, but it finally took over 22 hours to cook 54 of those 104 butts.
While we were taking the meat off of the pit, it began to snow (very wet snow). We were all pretty wet by the time we got it done and the snow had begun to stick on the ground.
We live about 20 miles from the church and I was concerned with the conditions of the roads, so I left before things were cleaned up to go get Brenda and get home. While on the road it was snowing so hard that it was very difficult to see.
It continued to snow almost all night and we ended up with about 12 inches of the white stuff. It was very pretty.
I got up early and cleaned a path to the driveway. The snow was dry and I just swept the stepping stones off. I walked out to the road to check the conditions, and made a decision that it was too risky to drive to church. We stayed in all day as Mike said it was too cold to work and the snow too deep to get the doors open to the greenhouses.
Brenda read and also watched some tv. I watched all 10 episodes of ROME on DVD. I had not seen it for sometime and had forgotten a lot of the story.

We worked yesterday, but neither one of us thought that we got a lot accomplished although we worked all day in the greenhouse. It is sunny here now so the greenhouses got very warm. We are starting to get ready for the Master Gardener's show on the 26th.

Ta ta for now