Friday, March 13, 2009

Another week gone by

The snow has gone, the temperature has gone into the 70's and is back down in the 30's. Wait a minute, this weather is like Texas. If you don't like it wait a minute.
We are continuing preparing for the Master Gardener's Spring Fling. The greenhouses are starting to look great. The plants are coming out of dormancy and green is everywhere. It is very rewarding to see the fruits of your work. It looks like we are going to have a goodly supply of plants to taker to the show.
After work on Sunday, we went over to my nephew Brian's house for dinner. It was a pleasure to spend time with them and enjoy a good grilled dinner. Adam and his family came over to the nursery to work on the computer system, then went over to Brian and DD's home for dinner, also.
We have had 2 days off, and we just kind of stayed close to home. It was cold and rainy out yesterday, so we never ventured out.
Sunday we are going to church at Nativity. According to the bulletin, Bill & Jackie are supposed to be participants in the mass, so I expect that they have returned from their west coast journey. It will be good to see them again.

Ta ta for now

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