Saturday we went back to Nativity church to help finish up on the cooking of the Boston butts.
It had been raining all night, and the guys had a very hard time keeping the temperature up to 200 degrees. The butts usually cook in 12-14 hours, but it finally took over 22 hours to cook 54 of those 104 butts.
While we were taking the meat off of the pit, it began to snow (very wet snow). We were all pretty wet by the time we got it done and the snow had begun to stick on the ground.
We live about 20 miles from the church and I was concerned with the conditions of the roads, so I left before things were cleaned up to go get Brenda and get home. While on the road it was snowing so hard that it was very difficult to see.
It continued to snow almost all night and we ended up with about 12 inches of the white stuff. It was very pretty.
I got up early and cleaned a path to the driveway. The snow was dry and I just swept the stepping stones off. I walked out to the road to check the conditions, and made a decision that it was too risky to drive to church. We stayed in all day as Mike said it was too cold to work and the snow too deep to get the doors open to the greenhouses.
Brenda read and also watched some tv. I watched all 10 episodes of ROME on DVD. I had not seen it for sometime and had forgotten a lot of the story.
We worked yesterday, but neither one of us thought that we got a lot accomplished although we worked all day in the greenhouse. It is sunny here now so the greenhouses got very warm. We are starting to get ready for the Master Gardener's show on the 26th.
Ta ta for now
snow photos are lovely :)
The only goood snow is the snow you see in pictures. I haven't missed the first flake since I left Michigan in 1996! Hope yur weather is better now.
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