Yesterday we went down to Gettysburg Military Park. They have built a new visitor center, that is not on the battleground itself. The old one was actually built on the battleground, so they are going to tear it down and restore the land to 1863 condition. The people who are in charge of the park have done a lot to restore the whole battlefield to the way it was in 1863. Apple orchards and peach orchards have been planted. The flank of the Union position is now cleared of trees as it was during the battle.
We took a bus tour of the grounds with a certified tour guide on the bus. He was very knowledgeable of the battle and was very enthusiastic. We really enjoyed it.
The Museum is huge. It covers the entire war, from the cause to the Gettysburg battle to the end of the war. Very interesting, but too much information and artifacts for this feeble mind. It would & will take multiple visits to take in all that is offered.
Today we went to a gristmill. It was operational until 1977, when the owners, who were up in years (no children) started a trust and opened it up to the public. There is a house on the property where the owners (brother & sister) lived until they went to a nursing home. According to the tour guides it is exactly as they left it. The house and mill were built in the mid 19th century by their grandfather. Very interesting afternoon and also free.

Tomorrow we plan to go on a buggy ride through Amish country. We haven't decided which company we will use, as they are all different. We will try more Amish food again for lunch. We went to an Amish style buffet restaurant, last week, but were not impressed. The food had no flavor, and salt and pepper didn't help. There were several Amish couples there eating. They seemed to enjoy themselves, as they made several trips to the buffet table.
We will be here until Friday. Plan to kick back and stay around the coach Thursday.
So, will post after Fredericksburg and our visit with David and family.
Ta ta until then.