We decided to return to the Houston area a few days early. We came back to Castaways RV park on Friday. The park is much improved since the last time we were here.
They have hired more staff and repaired the roads. They are still gravel , but a lot fewer ruts than before.
Sunday we got together with Ted and Donna. Last year we tried to go to the Funeral Museum, but they are closed on Mondays. We went on Sunday and were a little apprehensive that the place might be macabre. It wasn't at all, but very interesting.

There are all kinds of hearses, from horse drawn carts and sleighs to very expensive automobiles. There are Packards to Rolls Royces. There is a 1973 Mercedes Benz that carried Princess Grace of Monaco. There are areas of remembrance of different presidents Such as Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan.
There is an area with a film of the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Very interesting, as we have witnessed that ceremony at Arlington Cemetery.
There is a whole area dedicated to the ceremony concerning the deaths of the Popes.
There is a lot of Pomp and ceremony involved.
The picture below is the British Popemobile that was used on Pope John Paul II's visit to England.

I didn't know that the popes are buried in 3 coffins. The first is Cedar which is on display in the Vatican. Next, that coffin is placed in a lead coffin, which is soldered shut with a wax seal. It is then placed in a Douglas Fir coffin and then placed in the crypt in the Vatican.
All in all a very interesting afternoon.
We then went to Cheddars for 'lupper'. The food was delicious and plenty of it and the prices were good too. It was very crowded for a Sunday at 3:45 pm. If we hadn't taken a tall table in the bar, there was a 45 minute wait for the main dining room. The service was great and well worth afternoon. it was very noisy as you might expect in a restaurant that crowded.
We then went over to Ted and Donna's home to visit. We stayed until dark the headed home.
Yesterday, Neal and his son, Andrew came over for a visit and to say goodbye.
We thoroughly enjoyed their visit. We have stopped by at Neals work to see him multiple times this winter, but he was not there for different reasons.

Today, we went to visit Val and Tony. We wanted to spend the afternoon with them.
When we arrived Michelle and Dannie were there.
Tony was fixing Putanesca for lunch. He knows how much I like it and it prevented Brenda from having to fix dinner tonight. How sweet he is.
We had a lovely visit with them and left about 4:30 to miss much of the traffic.
We leave early tomorrow for Livingston and head for Memphis on Friday.
Ta ta for now