As it is in most parts of the country, it is extremely hot here for the first part of July. We have posted several days of temperatures greater than 100 and working outside is not an easy trick. By this time of year we are usually in the cooler climes of the great Northwest.
For instance, the thermometer in greenhouse three spikes at 125 degrees and it sure felt like it. I was in the very back yesterday afternoon watering the papyrus and started to feel very nauseous due to the heat.
As you already know, Mike is shutting down the business and we ordered a dumpster. It didn't arrive till just before one yesterday afternoon in the heat of the day. We loaded about half of it with worn-out and damaged trays. The heat in the UV really does a number of those trays over the years.
We have closed down greenhouse 2 and moved the table said the greenhouse one after we had on dismantled the tables are already in greenhouse one. Those tables or parts thereof ended up in the in the dumpster. The patio sure looks a whole lot better. We spent a good percentage of the morning yesterday cleaning up the office. Mike is donating a couple of pieces of office equipment that we haven't used in the five years I've been there. The office sure looks a lot less cluttered.
Every year on 3 July, the city of Bartlett puts on a fireworks display and music and celebration of our nations birthday. Fireworks are you always spectacular, but last night was the best fireworks show I believe I've ever seen. Almost everybody I talked to agreed with my assessment.
Every year the breakfast club, gets together on the shady side of the concert hall and we have a picnic.
Pam, our organist at church, is in the volunteer Bartlett concert band and she plays every year. The orchestra was its usual excellent self. She is such a talented musician and is accomplished at several musical instruments.
After the concert band played, a local group called 240 loop played for an hour or hour and a half. They really were a talented group. They played songs from my era and brought back a lot of memories.
Adam, my brother's middle son, is having a get together over his house this afternoon to celebrate the Fourth of July. It seems that one or more of the boys usually have a get together for this fairly large family is there houses can accommodate that number of people.
The family get-togethers are usually at Allen's house as he has a pool, but it seems she's having trouble with the pH of his pool and were having over Adam's house. It is always a good time no matter where we have it.
Brenda is doing quite well with her physical therapy and a range of motion on her right arm is improving daily. She has physical therapy three days a week and is due to see the doctor again on Friday. We are hoping that formal physical therapy per se will end, and she can continue her exercises at home.
We will be leaving for Washington a week from today. We're really looking forward to seeing the kids as the last time was other was October of last year. Then, two weeks after we get back, they are coming here for a 10 day visit. Only a few on this side of the family have ever met Fred and he's known the family for 12 years now. I think this side of the family is a little more subdued than the Houston side. He has been exposed to this rambunctious family for many years now and it's not quite so overwhelming for him as it was the first time he met this group.
All I can say is both Brenda and I are really excited about seeing the kids.
Ta ta for now.