It has been busy for the last couple of weeks. The plumbers finished up last Thursday on their top out, and inspections were passed on Friday. They used the pex system. It is said that it stretches many times its size & returns to its original diameter, therefore it is less likely to burst if it is frozen. The joints are very durable and don't come apart easily.
Electricians arrived on Monday to do their rough in. They finished up yesterday and inspection is due today. Adam took a half a day off work yesterday and he came in to run the low-voltage. The low-voltage consists of data, telephone,and cabling for television. Everything will be run out of the spare bedroom closet. It is a good central location and a fairly large closet. All the communications for the cottage, will come into the cottage near the electrical panel located on the east side of the garage. Since the garage is not going to be finished on that side, everything will be accessible.
Pex system manifold |
We got a surprise on Tuesday. The AC company called and said there was a cancellation and they would be out on Wednesday to start the installation of the heating and air-conditioning. The installation team leader arrived midmorning on Wednesday with the heater, ducting and all insulation. Mike insisted that all ducting the rigid, and the team leader told us that the inspectors are now more interested in the R-value of the insulation than an airflow.
I went over little before eight yesterday morning, to open the house in the gate and these guys were already there. They arrived somewhere between seven and 7:15. Their goal was to run all the ducting before it got hot. There was a front that moved through on Wednesday and the temperature and humidity were reasonable. One of the guys was in the attic all morning running the ducting and he said he hardly broke a sweat. It was a good day for them to work in the attic.
They also ran the ducting for both bathroom fans, the dryer vent, and the vent hood.
These guys do good work, neat, orderly and clean. Their supervisor arrived about noon yesterday and he was pleased with their work, as were we.
They were pretty late leaving yesterday, so we don't expect the rough in AC inspection to be done until Friday.
The pictures aboveshow the work that has been done this week. The bottom two pictures are the low voltage cabling that Adam, Mike and I installed yesterday. This is the area of Adams expertise. This is also part of the electrical inspection. We had to get this completed yesterday for the inspection today.
Mike and Barbara decided to stain the floors of the cottage. It is considerably less expensive than floor coverings and "The Duck", our concrete guy, did an outstanding job surfacing the concrete.
The stain arrived yesterday and hopefully we can start staining the floor the first part of next week. There were small fiberglass fibers put in the concrete to help hold the surface together and minimize small cracks, and most of the surface fibers have not broken off and been swept up. So, we need to buff, this concrete so that the fibers will not be visible .
We're going to stain the floor before drywall is put in place, because with this particular method, there is a lot of rinsing required. If the drywall is not there it cannot get wet.
Things are moving a lot more smoothly than we anticipated. The trades have come when expected, and worked efficiently and in a timely manner. Also, the materials have arrived when expected, so there have been no unexpected delays.
October 1 is our expected move-in date, but if things continue moving the way they are, it may be sooner.
Tata for now.