We went to Colonial Williamsburg yesterday and had a very enjoyable and informative day. The whole area was purchased and returned to 17th century condition due to a grant and endowment from John D. Rockefeller during the 1930's. The whole project is ongoing, with buildings and furnishings being completed in the same way as it was done in the 17th century, using the same type tools. It was very interesting to see the building going on, the wood framing the brick making, all done in the old ways.

We were told that along with the endowment, costs are covered by admission fees. It was pretty expensive and there was allot of people there. I felt that it was worth the cost as we learned so very much.

Today, we went to the Mariner's Museum. We spent about 5 hours there. It is a huge, well organized and very educational museum. If any of you are in the area, we highly recommend this stop.

The USS Monitor was found about 16 miles off of Cape Hatteras, and parts of the ship were recovered by the US Navy and the NOAA. The turret and a cannon, that was in the turret, and the engine. Also many personal artifacts. The turret, gun and engine are all in a chemical bath with electrolysis to stop the decay and make the artifacts stable for display. We were told the whole process could take up to 15 more yrs. In the mean time they have constructed replicas of the turret, gun and engine as it was found.
There is a lot of interaction between the displays and the visitor. The exhibits are out without too many barriers. There are signs at most displays asking they they not be touched, and it appears that this request is being honored by most visitors. All in all a very enjoyable day.

Tomorrow we leave for the outer banks of NC, Nags Head, Avon and Hatteras Island. There are 5 or 6 lighthouses we wish to see. We then plan on moving more inland, then onto Charleston, SC.
We will report as things progress.
Ta ta until then.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you visited Colonial Williamsburg since you were in the area. Carter's Grove is the plantation down the road I couldn't think of when I talked to Brenda. Jay & Stella have moved to Port Arthur by Bill and Ornell but now the storm is turning north. No one knows where it will go. We're staying put and hoping for the best. No doctor news because the radiologist didn't transcribe all the notes! Maybe tomorrow.
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