Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just thoughts

Remember when you were a small child, Christmas seemed like it would never come. But, as we get older, time speeds up so fast that we are saying "it is Christmas time , again already".
Wow, time moves really quickly. It is hard to believe we have been here for 2 1/2 months.

It is cold here this morning. According to the weather report it is 34 degrees and windy. Yesterday it was in the high 70's and humid. The weather people are predicting snow showers this am. Is this really Houston???????????

We have been busy here around the campground. With the first of the month, Brenda has been busy collecting the rents from our monthly guests.

The owners bought some picnic tables for the park. Only 7, as they were not sure what they would be like. They are pressure treated wood with galvanized supports. I have been putting them together for the last several days. They are very nice for this park with its rustic setting.

We haven't even begun our Christmas shopping yet. I have been looking online, but just can't decide what to get the people on our list. This is so unlike me, as I don't like to wait until the last moment to do anything. Maybe, retirement is beginning to set in.

Ta ta for now.

1 comment:

Ted and Donna said...

After our hectic day together Monday, we get no press?

PS I survived the luncheon!