Saturday, February 14, 2009

Getting ready for the road

This is our last day to work for Timber Ridge this winter, as we are heading for Memphis on Monday.
Gwen and Billy took us to lunch yesterday. Great conversation and good Mexican food. They are such lovely people and we will enjoy returning in the fall.
I normally make the walk around the park in less than 10 minutes, but yesterday, it took 1 1/2 hours to walk as I got stopped by several of our residents to talk. It was great and we will miss a lot of these people.

As I was about 3/4ths around the park, Ted drove up and asked if I could go and help him pick up his truck. The water pump had gone out and he had left it at the Ford dealer in Conroe. They have been on a Caribbean cruise, and returned Thursday. I took Donna's car home and stopped in to welcome her home.

Wednesday evening, we went to Val & Tony's house for dinner. We had been given frozen domestic pheasant by one of the residents of the park, and we had decided to share them with our family. Chris and Linda came over, too. Michelle and the girls are staying there as the are remodelling the kitchen in their home. They are doing it themselves and are doing a great job. I think it will look very nice when it is completed.

We have a busy weekend planned. We were planning to go the Texas Opry tonight, but it was sold out. So Ted, Donna, Brenda and I are going to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner tonight.
We got together with them and Jay and Stella @ Rayford Crossing last evening for bingo. Ted and Donna both won. We had a great time talking and left about 10:45pm.

We are going to church with Val & Tony on Sunday then to breakfast with them and Chris & Linda. We will spend our last Sunday morning here with them. We are then to meet with Ted & Donna to go to the RV show @ Reliant Center. As we are employees of Timber Ridge, on temporary hiatus, we can get in free. Ted and Donna get in free, too.
Jay & Stella are going today with some of the 'Boomer Friends', so they won't be joining us on Sunday.

We are taking our time going to Memphis. We will go as far as Livingston on Monday, On to Hot Springs, AR on Tuesday and Wednesday, then onto Tom Sawyer park on Thursday, to arrive at Mike and Nancy's house on Friday morning. Five days to go 650 miles, that is really pushing ourselves.

Ta ta for now

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey - hoping you will again enjoy your time in TN.

Too bad we were only able to get together just the one time, Brenda - but let's keep in touch - I enjoy keeping up with your adventures via this blog