Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Busy Week

Val & Tony arrived on Sunday (May 17), as scheduled for a weeks visit. It was nice to see them again since we hadn't seen them since Feb.
We worked at the nursery all day and came home about 1/2 hour after their arrival.

We worked at the nursery on Monday and Mike planned to work the whole day. His sons were off for our 2nd annual golf week, so he was talked into quitting early so we could go start our week off earlier than originally planned. Adam arrived after he picked up Chris from the airport, so we all packed up and headed for the course.

We played 18 holes on Monday, 36 holes on Tuesday, 18 holes on Wed., 36 holes on Thursday and 18 holes on Friday. We played Glen Eagle twice and 6 other courses for a variety of play. Some are much harder than others. We try to jam as much golf in as we can in that week. We were all so exhausted by Friday. I really only recovered yesterday. Adam did a great job of arranging the t-times for the different courses.

Brenda & Vickie drove over to LR to pick up Heather on Thursday, who was coming for Tim's wedding and a weeks visit. I haven't seen her in almost a year. We are taking her back to LR for her flight home tomorrow. It has been great to see here, but with golf during the day and going back to work I have not spent as much time with her as I would have liked. Alan and Ann were kind enough to open their home to her. She and Ann have been talking all year planning this adventure.

We have been going to someone's house for dinner every evening all week, extending our days and adding to the exhaustion. The guys were together all day, so the ladies wanted to spend time together, too. This is a very loving family and we all enjoy each others company.

Tim's wedding was very nice. He married a very attractive and smart young lady. I haven't officially met her yet, but I hear great things about her. They have been extremely busy since we have been here with planning the wedding and work. The reception was held at Germantown Country club. It was a nice venue, but more people came then was expected and the seating was limited. Bev and Richard are very popular and it appears so are Tim and Lauren. There were over 300 people at the reception as I heard that 301 RSVP'd and there were not enough places to sit at the beginning.

"The Girls" got together yesterday and made a run down to Tunica to the casinos. Brenda left all of her money there as well as Heather and Bev. I hear that Ann won $40. Brenda said that all had a good time, and that is what counts.

Nancy is feeling better every day. She did remarkably well with the company she and Mike had, considering the short time since her last surgery. She has almost completed her hyperbaric treatments and the healing continues.

Ta ta for now

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