This morning we went to Nativity to "rub shoulders" that is preparing them to cook. We rubbed 64 pork shoulders with mustard and a special dry rub that is used by the permanent members of the cooking team. This will be the last cook until the fall as it is getting hot here. The meat cooks at about 200 degrees for 12 -14 hours. It is so tender and juicy and delicious.
Brenda and I will work the picnic tomorrow, doing whatever we are asked to do. These people are so nice and so inviting.
Tomorrow is our last Sunday here and we will say goodbye to the breakfast club after mass. We have enjoyed our time here and will miss them until our return next year. We have such fun at breakfast. A real good time for fellowship.
It rained really hard here Wed. and Thurs., so we will move the coach on Monday after the ground dries out. That dilemma may cause a delay in leaving. I don't want to leave until the coach has had a good washing.
My nephew, Brian came over and replaced the fuel filter on the coach last weekend. He is such a nice guy, we will miss him and his family. In fact we will miss all of Mike's kids, we have developed a good relationship with them.
Vickie had us do our laundry in her home. this is the last time while we are here this year. She even brought us lunch. Brenda's sisters are such giving people.
Ta ta for now
1 comment:
I do miss good BBQ Only the south can do it right
be safe
Juju and Harry
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