This morning we decided to go to Deadwood. What a disappointment They can't make up their minds if they want to be an old west town or a gambling mecca. In my opinion, they haven't done well with either. There are parking meters everywhere. They even have meters at the visitors center. They nickle & dime you to death.
Brenda really wanted to gamble, and she had some luck. Ted also won a few dollars. Donna and I weren't so lucky and we even had to pay to park to gamble.
Tonight, after we went home for supper, we decided to go to the lighting ceremony at Mt. Rushmore. Another thing off of our bucket list.
It was a moving experience to say the least. Patriotism is still alive here in SD.
Since we have been on this trip, I have been recognized as a veteran on several different occasions. This one had to be the best so far.

After the presidents were lit, the national anthem was played and sung by the huge crowd present for the ceremony. All of the active duty personnel in the armed services and the veterans of all of the branches of the services were called to the stage of the amphitheater. There was a boy scout troop from Oregon there and they took part in the lowering of colors (lowering the flag). All of the people on stage turned to face the flag pole and removed their hats if they were wearing one. The boys did a great job. They folded the flag in a triangle and handed it to the park ranger. Then the ranger went down the ranks and asked us to place our right hand on the flag and give our name and branch of service.It was quite a moving experience for me.
This whole thing is quite different from when I returned from Vietnam. I am so glad to see patriotism alive and well in this country.
The US Park Service has done a remarkable job with this whole ceremony. The theme was FREEDOM, and honoring our service people, both past and present, is an important part of the lighting ceremony.

Ta ta for now.
1 comment:
Thank you for posting information about your trip to Deadwood and Mount Rushmore. Also, thank you for your dedication to this country and for your service. It is greatly appreciated and we recognize that in every way we can in South Dakota.
Come visit us again!
South Dakota Office of Tourism
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