We left Williams on Saturday for Gallup, NM. It is a much larger place than I thought with a strong Hispanic influence.
We went to church there at the cathedral. The mass was in English, by an Indian priest. The songs were all in Spanish. Although the congregation was largely Hispanic there was surprisingly very little singing in the congregation. It was very interesting.
We went to Tijeras, NM on Sunday after church. It is on the east side of Albuquerque. We stayed in a ROD park. The sites were close, very close, and the little bit of grass between the sites had not been cut in a very long time. The sites were terraced and gravel.
There is great potential for this park, but very little effort is put in the grounds keeping. The infrastructure appeared to work well, at least at our site.
We would have to think twice before staying here again.
We did get into Old Town Albuquerque on Monday and Tuesday. It is very much like Old Town Spring with lots of shops and restaurants, only pueblo style buildings. There was entertainment in the plaza in the form of an Indian dancer in full costume, and a beautiful fountain.
It definitely shows the Spanish influence in this area.
There is also a history of the Spanish invasion and conversion to Catholicism of the Pueblo People.
There was no written history, only verbal history passed from generation to generation in oral tradition.
Surprisingly, there was very little difference in the various stories by the individuals from each tribe as they told the stories from their recollection.
Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take pictures within the indoor complex.
The murals in the courtyard were quite spectacular.
Brenda was especially impressed with the rabbits painted on the sidewalks.
We had to climb over a mountain range, (Rockies after all) and we ran into three different episodes of sleet and snow at the higher altitudes. At the highest peak the snow was actually sticking to the ground. Fortunately, it was not sticking to the road surface.
I like snow, if I don't have to drive in it.
We spent the night in Amarillo and got to Wichita Falls yesterday. The weather here is cool, and damp which is much different than the desert where we have been for the last 4 weeks.
We are headed for Glen Rose, TX for 3 days then to Lake Whitney for 2 days before heading to Timber Ridge.
Both Glen Rose and Lake Whitney are ROD parks so no cost to stay there. I just hope that they are nicer than the Tijeras park.
Brenda has planned this whole trip back to Timber Ridge. I am so proud of her.
Ta ta for now.
I went to Old Town a long time ago (when I was a teenager with my parents) and I LOVED it!!! Didn't get to go there this year when we were through there- maybe next year!
better put some water-wings on the Rv - we're in for some serious rain around here Thursday and Friday !!
Brenda - call me, after you get settled and have time to chat :)
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