The nurses that I worked with before I retired were there along with Joann, who was our boss for a time. Charlie, who works for the radiologists was there also.
Sandy, Charlie, and I brought our spouses, so there was a nice crowd. It was a nice time.
Liz & Harry want to come see the new rig, but getting our schedules together is not an easy thing.
Saturday, Stan from Camperland came by and gave a talk about plumbing and other subjects concerning RV's. He has a lot of years experience, and helped with some problems in the various rigs here in the park, including us. Very nice to have some help fixing problems with our coaches.
Monday, I had jury duty in Livingston. Since we don't actually live in Polk county, I tried to get released. I guess that I didn't plead my case very well as I was there for the whole day.
Polk county only picks one jury pool per week for the trials that week. If you are not picked for a panel in the morning you have to come back in the afternoon.
If you are picked for a panel in the morning, and aren't placed on the jury, then you have to return in the afternoon. I had about 4 hours between my visits to the court house, so I went to Rainbows End, the Escapees headquarters.
I had never been through the whole park and I was amazed at the size of the place. There are a lot of permanent homes here, with RV ports.
I was picked for a panel in the afternoon, but was released just before 5pm. I was not picked for the jury and they had to return on Wednesday for the trial. This is so different from Harris county, where 2 jury pools are pulled each day for trials that start that day.
Brenda didn't go up there with me. We are glad, she would have been bored to tears.
Brenda has been stuffing Rayford Crossing package bags for the Houston RV Show. She has stuffed 2900 bags so far. The owners want 4000 for this show and 4000 for the show that they are going to in Albuquerque, NM in March.
This is tedious work, but Brenda enjoys it. Normally she sits in the office all day and just answers the phone. This gives her something to do. She is really busy on the first of the month collecting the rents.
We are planning to go over to Brinda and Tommy's house on February 6th for dinner. Cyndi and her husband will join us. We haven't seen either of them since last year. We try to get together at least once while we are in town.
I have been doing some minor repairs on the coach. It seems no matter the age of the rig, there is always something to do, especially if you live in it.
Ta ta for now.
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