Yesterday, we picked up our new car. Other than it has a spoiler, blue tooth and it is blue, it is the same as our other car.
We have always had a bit of trouble with the clutch of the red Hyundai, but this one is so much smoother. The new one rides and drives the same, but with less road noise.
Mikes house is progressing. The packers came on Monday and said that they will be finished packing today.
The PODS storage unit came Monday and the packers started loading it yesterday.
The restoring company won't start on the demolition until all of the packing is complete. Mike has been given an estimate of 2-3 months for the work to be done, but the owner of the company expects closer to 3 months. He is afraid that if rushed the quality of the work won't be there.
Mike and Nancy are still at Dana's house. Nancy and Dana really like the arrangement, but Mike misses his space. Dana's house is rather small for 4 people.
Mike spends almost all day out here with all that is going on with the house.
Sunday, Adam and Chrissy invited us over to their house for Mothers Day. We had a good time with all of Mikes kid's and families. Vickie and Vick were there, too.
All of the mothers got flowers or plants including Brenda. That was so sweet of them to think of the flowers and include us in their celebration.
Alan and I worked on Monday. We had planned to clean up the plants that are still in the yard from green house 4. But, it rained hard all-day-long. So, we transferred seedling from 128 planting trays to 3 1/2" sale pots (18 plant to a tray) and rearranged greenhouses for room for the new plants. We did 1500 to 1600 plants. We felt that we got a lot accomplished.
Monday, Brenda went over to Vickie's house to do laundry. It is so nice not to have to use a laundromat. She made our reservations for campgrounds along route of our upcoming trip to Washington this summer. She got a lot accomplished.
That night she played bunco with the girls. She didn't win but had a good time.
Today, we work again and hopefully the weather will cooperate so that we can get the nursery yard cleaned up.
We have a few orders to send today, so Mike will be with us for part of the day.
Ta ta for now.
My daughter has a blue Hyundai just like yours. Hope it is as good a car for you as hers has been for her.
Sounds like things are coming together - hope they continue to fall into place.
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