Why is it so hot this early in the year? Doesn't God know that summer starts on my birthday(June 21st)? We have had some really hot weather this year.
We have had a busy week here. Please bear with me while I remember what took place last week. For those of you that know me, remembering what happened last week is a chore. Hopefully, my brain will remember it all.
We start out the week with a Sunday graduation party for my nephew, Jarrod Weirich. My brother, Dennis and his wife, Donna had a party for Jarrod in their back yard. Their friends and family came. Of my family, only 2 people were absent. We had several cousins and nephew and nieces come. There was a lot of catching up with relatives and playful high jinks in their back yard. When our family gets together, we always have fun and tease one another.
Monday was Memorial Day. Ann and Alan(our Nephew) Had everyone over for an afternoon of swimming and water balloon fights. The water balloon fights were suppose to be for the kids but the big kids(adults) got more fun out of it than the little kids. We had 3 containers of water with the balloons in it. Halfway into the fights, Brian jumps in the container of balloons to pop them all and his brothers take off armed with water balloons launching them at him. By the time they threw the last balloon Alan's yard looked like a rainbow of color on the grass. pooped balloons were everywhere. A good time was had by all.
Tuesday was soup kitchen day. Ethan, my nephew, came with me to help out. He was a big help in making sandwiches and putting together sack lunches. While we were there, the lady that is in charge of handing out tickets for the sack lunches mentioned that she did not know where they were going to get buns for hot dogs the next day( Wednesday is hot dog day). God heard the request and a truck from Kroger appeared. It was loaded with bread and hot dog buns. While serving the soup, bag lunch and drinks, we grabbed loaves and buns to be taken to the storage area. It was like loaves and fishes. Ask and ye shall receive.
Ethan and I went back to his house and had some lunch. Ann was taking her sons to the zoo and she was nice enough to ask me if I wanted to come. Rick was working, so I had no reason not to go. Besides that, I had not been to the zoo since our daughters were young teens. Boy, has it changed. They have a nice place for the polar bears and the seal show is worth watching. We saw all kinds of nocturnal animals. We also went down by the farm. It smelled like a farm. We saw goats and pigs and chickens, horses and ducks. By the time we left, we smelled like the farm.
Wednesday started out with Mike and Nancy borrowing some air conditioning. Nancy had wanted to see the work done on her house and they decided it was too hot to sit outside for a visit with us. We supplied them with ice water and visited a short time with them, as I had a doctors appointment to go to. After seeing the doctor, We went to wally world and did our usual grocery shopping. By the time we got back home, it was time for dinner.
Thursday was wash day. I got to Bev's house about 11 and put the garage door up so I could get in the house. Steven did not hear the garage door go up because he was in the shower he happened to go downstairs and see that the garage door was up so he closed it. I had to put it up again to bring the clothes in.I started the clothes and then visited with Steven for about an hour. Bev worked the night before, so I did not see her at all.
Friday was a kick back day and We did nothing but eat and cat nap. I thought I was ready for bed by 9 but my brain was not ready. I had rested all day so, consequently, I was up till 3 a.m. before I finally went to sleep.
My day started at 6:30. I had promised Richard I would meet him by 7:30 to rub shoulders for the family picnic at Nativity. We rubbed about 45 shoulders and boxed them up so that the spices can soak in. I went home and changed and picked up around the house. Vickie called and we agreed to meet at Wolfchase Mall so that I could find an outfit for church. We walked up and down the mall but found nothing. Vickie suggested going to Dress Barn. We found a skirt and blouse there. We went our separate ways for a bit.
Ann and Alan were having everyone over for another get together. Vickie, Rick and I had plans to go see Bill Engvall at the Gold Strike Casino that night. We planned to meet up with Vickie at Ann's and go on. We couldn't just run in and leave. Besides that, Mike and Nancy were there. It was good to see Nancy out and about.
We were able to get our tickets about 7pm. Since the show started at 8 we went downstairs to gamble. I put in 5 dollars in a quarter machine and about the fifth spin I won 500 dollars. I knew I had won but Vickie had to explain to me how much I had won. Ricks next comment was, cash out, CASH OUT. Rick took the ticket and kept the money for me.
The show started at 8 and was very good. His stories were funny and he did not feel the need to use vulgar language to get his point across. After the show, I badgered Rick till I got a little money to gamble. We spent about an hour and decided it was time to head for the barn.
Sunday was family picnic day at Nativity. We went to 7:30 mass and went to breakfast with the breakfast club. Afterwards, we came back to Nativity and changed into shorts. Rick helped chop the shoulders and I helped a little bit. Tommy and Karin helped set up too. Everything went smoothly and a good time was had by all. By 4, Bev and Richard were headed home for a well earned rest.
On that note I will bid you Adios. That catches us up till today. Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.
Ta Ta for now.