Brenda and I decided to try to come up his way on our way to Monroe, and boy, are we glad we did.
They all had good voices and the choreography was outstanding.
We got to the outdoor amphitheater early and got to our great seats (5 rows from the stage).
This afternoon we drove through Teddy Roosevelt National Park and visited the information center. It was an outstanding drive and we got to see some wild life that you don't see in Texas.
We saw and photographed Prairie Dogs, Wild horses, and a lone female Elk.
We saw a lone Bison, but it was too far away and among trees, so that we couldn't get a picture.
They have the cabin TR had built for one of his 2 ranches in the Medora area. It is the Maltese Cross ranch house and it is sitting in its original location. It was too close to Medora for TR's piece of mind, as he had too many visitors, so he bought another ranch 35 mile north of Medora and maintained both ranches. he was very big into cattle and also a great conservationist.
We are leaving in the morning for Old West CG in Reed Point, MT. We stayed there last year on our way to Yellowstone.
It was a nice place to overnight, but there is absolutely nothing to do there. It is a very small community right on I-90.
Ta ta for now.
Don't use the third dryer on the top if there are clothes laying in it. That doesn't mean the load is finished, it means the dryer is out of order! Remember? Also we reserved two pull throughs and they gave us one pull through and one back in because the other pull throughs had reservations. Huh? Good luck.
We enjoyed our time in South Dakota last year (Custer State Park is wonderful!) - this year's trip through North Dakota wasn't so good - but it was early in the spring and we were still getting snow. I'm sure it would be beautiful - enjoy and safe travels!
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