We found the Camp Host site and got set up.
We have water & electric but no sewer. We were told when we applied for this position that there were full hook-ups. I guess there was a misunderstanding as to what full hook-ups mean.
When I plugged in, there was no power at the post. I walked up to the office and found 2 park aids here who had just gotten back from lunch.
They stated that the ranger was off today and that the host site was the only one with power and that it was shut off. People would use this site if the power was on, so they turn it off.\
While I was up at the office, Becky & Brenda somehow got in touch with the regional manager of state parks. He was very nice and drove over 2 hours from Olympia to talk with us. He reassured us that things will improve and he gave us his private cell number if we had any thing to discuss with him, if the ranger couldn't handle it. I hope that we don't need to call him. We had been calling the park since we arrived in Monroe on Monday, with no response, so he wanted to talk with us and welcome us in person.
After he arrived we found the power and it was turned on.
The managing ranger, for this park, has been reassigned and this leaves just one ranger who lives at another park. She will be in tomorrow to tell us what she needs and the regional manager will return tomorrow as well.
We have been told that there will be 2 great fireworks displays from 2 different places, both visible from here.
Cleo is also happy that we are settled for a while, although she travels nicely.
We arrived at Thunderbird RV park early Monday afternoon, got set up and headed for Becky's house. It was so nice to see her, Heather & Lindsay.
Fred was working and we saw him after he got home from work.
Heather has had to work every day since we have been here, so we haven;t seen much of her.
We went to Lindsay's gymnastic practice yesterday. She has been doing this since last winter and she is pretty good.
She knew Grammy and I were there, so she became quite the ham.
Brenda, Becky Heather and one of Becky's friends went to the casinos last night. All were winners. All came home with more money than they went with, so it was a good night.
Fred and I stayed home with Lindsay and just hung out.
Fred had to work this morning, so he went to bed before the girls got home.
We have had such a lovely time with them since our arrival and expect much more for the 4 months we will be here.
Ta ta for now.
1 comment:
Hope things get better - we are still interested in maybe going to host in Oregon one summer. Will be interested in hearing more about your stay!
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