The trip to Memphis was a nightmare.
I hate air travel. Airports and the TSA people are such a hassle. I know that they are necessary, but they sure could be more friendly. After all, we are not criminals until we do something that is illegal or could cause harm to people. Surliness to everyone is totally unnecessary. If you don't like your job, leave and find another one.
On the other hand, as I was leaving Memphis, a TSA gentleman shook my hand and thanked me for my service in the Navy. I was wearing my Navy veteran hat. I was very thankful for this act of kindness not seen often with the TSA.
As I said, the trip to Memphis was a nightmare.
There was a rare thunderstorm at Phoenix airport and was closed. We were diverted to Tuscon until the airport was reopened and we refueled.
We were 2 hours late arriving in Phoenix, so I missed my flight to Memphis. I spent the night in the airport, along with about 100 or more. It was not very comfortable and I didn't get too much sleep. But, I did survive and if this is the worst thing that happens in my life, I will be fine.
The trip home was uneventful, and quite enjoyable.
About 3 weeks ago Brenda and I went over to the boat launch and found a memorial to the man who gave the land for the state park to the state of Washington. His name was Jan Jensen.
The memorial was built in 1966 and has fallen on hard times. It was covered in moss, one of the benches was missing and was in general a mess.
I chose this as a project for me to do.
I didn't remember to bring the camera before I power washed it, but I did take pictures before I replaced the benches.
I power washed all of the stones and mortar, removed the rotten, moss covered bench. Then I replaced the benches today.
It was a nice project and I enjoyed doing it.
Fred and I went fishing yesterday morning on the Skyhomish river.
We didn't catch any fish, but we enjoyed each others company.
The river is very shallow in many places and we had a hard time getting back up river.
We had to get out of the boat and walk it back up river to the boat launch.
Fred had replaced the water pump in the motor he has, but, it malfunctioned again in the last few feet to the boat launch and the motor overheated and conked out.
We had to paddle the last 75 yards or so in a pretty swift current.
We got a pretty good work out.
We were planning to go out fishing again in the afternoon, but it rained, so we didn't get to go.
Fred told me that Salmon only run every other year, so, we will fish for other types of trout this year.
Brenda and I worked a couple of hours on Wednesday, before we went to Monroe.
We have to work 28 hours a week for our spot so we had to work on Wednesday which is one of our days off.
Brenda picked up several hours while I was gone so we don't have too many more hours to work this month to complete out commitment.
Hugo, who is the chief park aid here at the park, had the volunteer hosts over to his and his wife's house for dinner. It was nice and a couple of the rangers also came. We enjoyed the evening immensely.
The park hours have shortened since it is getting darker earlier now, so the crowds have diminished some. Yet, Labor day has not yet arrived, and if the weather is nice large crowds are expected.
We will have a lot of litter to pick up if we have good weather for that weekend.
Ta ta for now.
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