Thursday, November 4, 2010

Portland and points south

The chassis batteries on this coach don't charge when it is plugged in. I failed to put them on a charger on Sunday, so the coach didn't start when we tried to leave the park on Monday.
I borrowed a much larger charger, than I have, from the park and we finally got on the road by 11:00 am.

The weather was stormy and rainy and by the time I got the coach started I was soaked.

It rained all of the way to Portland and rained up until early evening. Everything was damp and it was quite miserable. The drive, with the  traffic was a little scary at times. We arrived at the campground in Vancouver, WA. at about 3:30pm.
We were invited for dinner at Kristen's house. It was delicious. Kristen is such a great cook. Alex had to work so he couldn't join us, so it was just us , Kristen and Taylor, her roommate. We had a good time catching up and we enjoyed the evening immensely.
Heather came down Monday evening after work, and we caught up with her and Alex about 11:30am.
We hung out together all day, and we had dinner at Kristen's, again, only we furnished dinner.
Tony, Mag and the girls came and we enjoyed the evening with them.

Kristen's animals
We got on the road before 9 am. and the trip was pretty uneventful until we got to the mountains.  Some mountain driving can be very stressful, especially with narrow lanes and trucks moving slowly up the grades.
I broke one of my cardinal rules and drove over 400 miles. I was bushed when we arrived at the Trail In campground in Lakehead, CA.
The campground is down in a depression and not very level. It is pretty rustic and a lot of permanent residents are here.
There wasn't any wind when we arrived, and these folks like their campfires. There was a cloud of smoke hanging over the whole area. The whole scene reminded me of the movie Deliverance.

We have a shorter drive today and we will be in CA for at least 3 days.
I haven't checked the price of fuel yet, but I don't want to have to buy too much fuel here.

Ta ta for now.

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