Monday, February 28, 2011

Moving along

Things are progressing here. It seems our arrival early this year has been beneficial to Mike's business.
Along with good weather for the last 2 weeks, our arrival has helped us be far ahead of where we have been in past years. We have been transplanting into larger containers (3.5" to quart size pots), digging bamboo and potting 4 different varieties for sale at the trade shows.We will be much better prepared than in the past.
If our supplier could get us what we need when we need it, we could be much further along.
Our first show is less than a month away, and we want to get those plants growing and filling those pots.
We just hope that, with the drastic rise in fuel prices recently,  people will have some money to buy our wares.
Saturday, Mike and I did some maintenance on the nursery, replacing fans, that had burned out and just routine maintenance to keep the equipment up and running. I did do some weeding and trimming on some papyrus, that is a big seller, that we plan to take to the shows.  

Brenda has been going to the soup kitchen on Tuesdays and I joined her one week. That is an interesting operation. They have it down to an art. They never know from week to week just what will be donated to be prepared and served to the homeless.
There are between 150 to 250 lunches served to these people 7 days a week. It is a fulfilling mission.

I have had the 'crud' for the last 2 weeks, cough cold etc., but I am starting to feel better. Now Brenda appears to be getting it. I just hope we don't pass it back and forth.

The family gets together on weekends and we join them when we can. Last weekend, Brenda's best friend in high school and her husband came over for dinner. We had a pleasant time with good conversation and a lot of catching up between Brenda and Loretta.

Last night, we went to a good Mexican restaurant for a birthday celebration for one of our nephews. It was a good gathering. and we all had a good time  and the food was good tex-mex.
Next weekend is another b'day party for one of our great nephews.

Ta ta for now.

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