Saturday, August 16, 2014

Been a long time

I should probably change the name of our blog as we have settled down here in the Memphis, TN area and not wandering too much at this time.

Brenda was born and raised here and I was raised here after my father, who was in the Navy, was transferred to NAS Memphis in 1953.  Also all of Brenda's siblings live here in the area, along with most of her cousins and their families.
The economy and the price of fuel, have driven us from the road, if only temporarily.
Also, my brother was in need of help with his and his wife's new adventure, Dove Creek Farm & Stable, so we took the opportunity to settle down for a while. They have 4 horses and we have the ability to board 5 more. We have 9 stalls in the barn and about 7 acres under fenced pasture.
We have more construction to do in and around the barn and that will come with time.

We are settled in our new home here on the property, and it is part of my job to keep watch over the property. The house is very comfortable and serves our needs very well. Mike and I built it with the help of some subcontractors.

As many of you know, we lost Cleo in January of this year. We had decided that we would not get another pet as we were both getting older and pets could outlive us. BUT, an opportunity came along for us to get another cat. She is about 10 or 11 years old and she belonged to my sister-in-law.
Her name is Sally and she has moved right in and taken over our hearts. She could still outlive us, but the chances are much slimmer now.

In June, we traveled up to the Seattle area and spent a week with our oldest daughter, Becky,  and her family.
Lindsay has moved from elementary school to middle school and we wanted to be there for the ceremony. I am not a believer in grammar school "graduation", but this was not graduation and it was well done.
She will be changing schools this fall and now will have to ride a bus. She has been able to walk to school for the last 6 years. The new school is several miles away.
Also, our youngest daughter, Heather, came up from Portland with her brother and her boyfriend Erin (sp). We had heard much about him and it was very nice to meet him.
It was also very nice to spend some time with Alex.

Gracie, our youngest grand daughter, is completely different from her sister. Lindsay is quiet and reserved and Gracie is in your face and going all of the time she is awake.
They are both very special in their own ways. The amazing thing is that they are extreme opposites of each other. Gracie is a handful all of the time.

After much thought and deliberation, we decided to trade our motor home in on a 5th wheel trailer. It is a 2013 brand new Jayco Pinnacle. It is more spacious inside than the Holiday Rambler was and seems more homey.
We are taking it out for a shake-down the second weekend of September. We are not taking it far and we will have some friends along in their motor home for company.
There are several RVer's in our 'breakfast club' but some still work and have difficult time getting away so that we can all be together in our RV's. We were hoping that we could all be together, but that didn't work out.

Brenda has decided to quit work and has turned in her notice. This will give her more time for her volunteering and will enable us to go out in our RV whenever we wish.
Brenda is a member of a charity organization at church and she enjoys going to the soup kitchen  on Tuesdays. She has not been able to do that for sometime and I am sure she is looking forward to it.

I will try to be more diligent with my writing in the future.

Ta ta for now.


Anonymous said...

My money is on Aaron since Erin is a girl's name. From Prague ... Have fun over Labor Day in your new rig.

Carol said...

Looks like a beautiful 5th wheel. We really enjoyed ours - so much more room than a motor home (In my opinion). Glad you enjoyed your "Shake down" trip - hope you get to go on many more trips!
Carol and Dan