Today we decided to go to the fish hatchery. This is the National one as there are two more. One belongs to the state of Idaho and the other belongs to University of Idaho.
The tour of the hatchery is self guided with fair documentation.
There are only fingerlings there now. The other fish were released and in May they hatched the eggs which have since turned to fingerlings. They will release this bunch in the fall into larger tanks outside and start the process all over again inside.
There is a power plant built to use the flow of the water to generate power. It is small and there aren't too many power lines leaving the area.
There is also an island that was a private farm. It now belongs to Idaho. It is a State park with no fee. The island is large and was a dairy farm. There is a dairy barn on the property that is in great shape and set up as a display area with old farm equipment. There are guided yours of the barn, but we were there in between tours. The whole second floor of the barn is hay storage. a beautiful view from the door of the second floor.
You walk behind the barn on a short path to see the Minnie Miller Falls. They are beautiful coming out of the middle of the escarpment.
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