Lindsay is a joy and she is riding with us to the different stops.
Fred is busy with school work. He is getting his bachelors degree on line. He has lots of homework to do and I am proud of him as he is pretty diligent about getting it done. He still finds time to socialize with the family.
Becky spends a lot of time here in the MH with us and is such a pleasant person.
We now are in Vantage, Wa. We arrived on Tuesday after an overnight in Pendleton, Or.
We stayed in the RV park on Wildhorse Casino grounds. It is on an Indian Reservation.
Brenda wanted to gamble and saved her money so she could.
I won $40 so dinner was on the casino. Brenda lost $12 andwent back the next morning and lost a little more.
Fred and I went fishing yesterday on Wanapum lake. There is a small power dam just down river and has formed a small shallow lake. Because it is so shallow, there are a lot of weeds growing and it is somewhat difficult to cast and retrieve without getting tangled in the weeds.
We were out for about 4 hours and didn't even get a bump from a fish.
We are going out again this morning and try live bait. We'll see.
We went to Ginko Petrified Forest State Park yesterday, Very interesting. We looked over the Columbia river and you could see the weeds in the water. It looked like an areal view of a forest.
We went to the interpretive center and saw 2 short films about the formation of this area and the discovery of the petrified Ginko trees.
It apppears that the Gikco trees were everywhere in the world and sometime about 15,000 years ago the Ginko trees became extinct except in some parts of China and Japan.
Multiple erupions of volcanoes and the formation of the Cascade Mountain Range caused the trees to be caught in the lava flows and petrified. This whole area was wetlands and as the Cascades grew in size they blocked the pacific flow into this area causing a desert like condition.
It is very warm here, It is predicted into the 100's today.
It is more humid here than I thought it would be, with the desert like terrain, but the Columbia River is just right here.
The time has just flown by this last week. I supect that he will be very busy after we get back to Monroe.
Ta ta for now.
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