Friday we moved over to Wallace falls State Park. The trip was uneventful, but the preparations to move was challenging to say the least.
When you sit for 2 months without moving, allot of 'stuff' gets left out. Sometimes remembering which compartment or cabinet it goes into can be difficult, especially as we get older.
We arrived at the park and was met by the park manager. We were shown where to park and told that they would get together with us later.
I spoke with the assistant ranger yesterday, and was told to take the day off. We have not seen a ranger today.
I guess we will meet with the ranger tomorrow and given our keys,and told what is expected of us.
This park has 5 cabins and 2 tent sites and no other camping.
There are many miles of trails and we are at the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, and the terrain goes up from here.
We are parked next to a bath house, which is for the use of the staff and a spider is busily building a web from the coach to the roof of the bh. I can watch it work as I sit at the dining table and look out the window. It is so interesting to watch it build and repair the web. It is quite industrious.
There are trees all around us, so there is now satellite tv.
We are so close to Becky & Fred's house that we can watch tv over there and borrow movies from them for when we are here and not working.
Speaking of Becky, she still has not had the baby yet. She is due on Tuesday, and her doctor made an appointment for her in her office if Becky doesn't deliver before Tuesday.
Fred is ready for Grace, and Lindsay is so excited about being a big sister.
One of Lindsay's teachers told Becky that she is really excited.
She is with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend, so we haven't see her since last Tuesday. We will probably see her today.
Today is now Monday, and we saw Lindsay, Fred and Becky last night. We all went for a walk to see if we could help Becky progress into labor. No Luck!
We worked today, 5 hours.
We walked all of the common area and hiked just passed the small falls on the Wallace river. The next time we hike it we will take our walking sticks. We don't want to get too far away from home, so we will be able to just go when Becky goes into labor.
The trails are in really good shape and the walk was not too stressful.
The elevation at the trail head is 330 ft and climbs up to 1700 ft. The trail gets progressively steeper as you move to the upper falls. We got up to about 550 ft today.
We cleaned the cabins and stripped the covers off of the futon and beds so the the ranger can wash them.
I cleaned all of the BBQ pits in the park and cleaned out the fire rings at all of the cabins.
The park is open all year, and the cabins are rented mostly on weekends this time of year.
I think we will enjoy this assignment.
Ta ta for now.
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