Gracie and Mom |
Grace Elizabeth arrived at 8:33pm 10/12/2010.
She was 8# 12oz and 21" long and she is beautiful. (No prejudice just fact, See for yourself)
Mother and baby are fine.
According to Becky, labor was easier and shorter this time, and she was in great spirits after Gracie's arrival.
Grammy with Gracie |
I was the first after Fred to hold her |
Grandma Lurlene holding our newest addition |
Auntie Heather |
Becky was very hungry after wards and she was given a sandwich. |
Grandpa Fred |
Fred and Lurlene (Fred's parents), Brenda, Heather, Lindsay, Katrina (Becky's friend from Walmart) and I were present, and we were allowed back in the room after the delivery.
Katrina |
We came home this evening and was greeted by Binga.
She knew something was going on for the last several weeks, now she knows, but can't figure out just what Gracie is.
Ready for Travel |
Lindsay did not want to hold Gracie at the hospital, but the first thing she asked when they got home was if she could hold her little sister.
Ta ta for now
Congratulations to all on the arrival of Gracie. It's so nice you all could be there for Becky and Fred. You are right. She is beautiful. She looks very pretty in pink! It will be hard to leave her in a few weeks.
Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations! A beautiful little girl!
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